Chapter 22

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Hyejin took care of Wheein after she was awoken by Wheein’s weak cries for her family.

Tears were streaming down Wheein’s face, her temperature was running high and it was apparent that she had had a bad dream. Hyejin cradled the older girl in her arms. It was lucky her headache wasn’t bothering her.

A small basin of ice water stood on the nightstand, cloths soaked in the water placed on Wheein’s body. Her fever had gone down a little after Hyejin fed her some medicine. 

“Hyejin…” When Wheein finally uttered a word after all the fuss, it had to be Hyejin’s name. The younger girl broke down instantly, crying. 

“Unnie, are you okay? You have a fever. Please tell me you feel better.” she literally begged.

“Hyejin...They said it wasn’t my fault.” Wheein muttered weakly, but loud enough for the young girl to hear.

“That’s good to know. I told you, Wheein. Nothing is your fault.”

“Please rest well and get better soon.”

“ too, Hyejin. It’s too early for you to be awake.” Wheein tugged on Hyejin’s sleeve, trying to pull her to lie down.

Hyejin smiled and wiped her tears away as she lay beside the teacher. She never fell back asleep, instead continuing to take care of the weakened older. 

It was afternoon when Wheein woke up again. Yongsun and Byulyi had brought lunch over for the two women when they heard that Wheein was sick. They didn’t even question why Wheein would be in Hyejin’s house.

“Unnie!” Hyejin gasped when Wheein walked out of her room slowly. “Hey, sit down quickly. You should be resting.” Hyejin pulled out a chair and helped Wheein sit. 

“Are you feeling better? We came when we heard that you weren’t feeling very well, unnie.” Yongsun asked worriedly. 

“Yeah I feel better. I just had a really good dream.” Wheein smiled, tucking into the porridge that Yongsun made for her. “This is really good!” she exclaimed.


Hyejin looked at the sick woman with a sad smile on her face. She reached out to stroke her hair. “You got me so worried there for a moment unnie,” she said.

“Sorry bout that.” Wheein laughed sheepishly. “You should get some sleep after this. I’ll be fine by tomorrow, I promise.”

“You too. Rest more. I think you’re just overworked these few days.”

Wheein smiled as Moonsun were shaking their heads in disgust. “We should go and leave you two...lovebirds alone now.” Byulyi said, standing up. 

Wheein just blushed at the comment while Hyejin laughed it off. “Just go away.”

The two girls went back to bed after lunch. Laying there, Wheein spoke. 

“Hyejin, I dreamt of them last night. They said I am not at fault and that I should...go to you.” Wheein paused. “Can I really?”

“Of course. I’ll be here waiting for you.” Hyejin took Wheein’s cold hands in hers. 

“Sleep. I’ll watch over you.” Hyejin lulled and watched Wheein’s tired eyes close again. She sighed, wanting to kiss her teacher so badly. 

double update bc chapter 21 was vvv short hehehe
also mama yong i love mama yong ❤
imagine if i put byul as the one who cooked🤡wheein would have to eat salty porridge

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