epilogue 3 (final)

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“Hyejin!” Wheein pulled Hyejin back just in time before the younger girl walked into a pole. “Gosh! Look where you’re going, please. I can’t afford to lose you too.” Wheein reprimanded softly, voice laced with concern as she gripped Hyejin’s wrist tightly. 

Hyejin grinned sheepishly and pulled Wheein into a hug. “I won’t, unnie. I won’t let you stand alone in this world, I promised, right?” Wheein nodded into Hyejin’s shoulder and pressed a small kiss to her neck. “Let’s go.”

They were taking a walk near the gallery where Hyejin worked. It was Hyejin’s off-day, but they were there to go to the cafe. As promised, Hyejin kissed Wheein over a cup of coffee and "erased" Wheein’s memories of the cafe before. 

Nearing the small fountain in the park, Hyejin started to look around nervously and got quieter and quieter. Wheein could tell something was wrong so she kept looking over at Hyejin but soon realised the younger was avoiding eye contact with her altogether.

“Hyejin? Everything ok?” Wheein asked, concerned. They had finally reached the fountain. 

“Yes. Well actually no. I have a question.” Hyejin took a deep breath as Wheein’s brow lifted. 

With a dramatic sigh, Hyejin began. 

“Jung Wheein-ssi, it’s been 3 years since I met you and two since we started dating. I just...wanted to tell you how much I love you and I figured there would be no time better than this.” She paused and pulled something out of her sling bag smoothly. Maintaining eye contact with an already smiling Wheein, she opened the small velvet box and got down on her knee. 

“Wheein, I love you so much.. More than I ever did and my love for you will continue to grow every passing day. I want you to belong to me only. And maybe Ggomo. I want to stay by your side for the rest of our lives until we grow old and grey, until we’re unable to walk. I promise never to leave your side, in whatever terms of leaving there could be. Neither physically nor psychologically. I love you more than Moonsun loves each other.” There was a dramatic pause to let Wheein’s tears fall and a bunch of friends to come out, each holding a card with a letter on it. Combined, they matched the words that came out of Hyejin’s mouth.

“Jung Wheein. Will you marry me?”

Wheein stood for a moment and laughed loudly, her lively laughter ringing through the area. “You really chose to do it here?” she asked first, remembering how there was once she had told Hyejin it would be romantic to propose in the park. Hyejin nodded, growing anxious. Why wasn’t Wheein accepting her proposal? 

The professor smiled and said, “You kiddo, your anxiety is written all over your face.” As she spoke, she pulled the ring out of its place in the box and slipped it onto her ring finger. “It fits me perfectly, thanks Hyejin.” 

Hyejin quickly got up with a shaky grin, her eyes red. She wrapped her arms around Wheein and kissed her, carrying her up into the air and spinning her around. “I love you baby.” She smiled, their foreheads connecting in the midst of their friends’ cheers. Wheein grinned, “I love you too, Hyegi.”

it's the official end!!! thanku so so so much for being on this journey w me,,,,here's to the end of the story, and the start of written exams-
to all of you students who are studying, good luck and all the best! may you get amazing results♡♡ to the adults in the working world, if you are actually reading this, all the best in your work and may you propser!!
i decided to upload early bc it's gna be exam intensive tmr onwards💀💀 once again, thanku fr reading!

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