Chapter 6

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Hyejin walked as calmly as possible into the lecture hall five minutes before her class started to give Wheein a surprise. 

“Hey.” she tapped the teacher on the shoulder. Wheein whirled around, surprised at the sudden greeting. “You’re early today, Hyejin-ssi.” she smiled, capping her marker and setting it down on the table. 

“I decided to sit in the front row today.” Hyejin smiled, pausing. “Because I want a clearer view of you.” Wheein rolled her eyes and turned back to the whiteboard, smiling. “Didn’t you have a good enough view yesterday?” she shivered as she spoke of it herself. Thinking back on the intimacy of yesterday, she felt tingles down her spine.

It must have shown on her face, for the next second Hyejin smirked and stepped closer. “You like it, huh.”

Wheein tried her best not to blush, but she could not help but feel heat rushing to her face as she denied the accusation.

Hyejin laughed at that and quickly whipped out her study notes and sat down obediently in the front row as the other students started to file in. She enjoyed the lesson as usual and managed to stay til the last minute before leaving for her next class.

The younger brunette decided that she would start to go after her teacher. She would chase her, flirt with her and get her. Clenching her fist in determination, she started to focus on the professor’s words…

Days passed before Wheein visited the studio again. During these few days, the two had texted a lot and passed a lot of gazes during lessons. Growing closer, Wheein suddenly felt unsure if it was okay for her to be like this. Furthermore, as there were rumours that Hyejin seemed to have a crush on her project partner for another module, Wheein was starting to waver. If Hyejin had someone she loved already, then it would be unfair to her lover if Hyejin were to keep their promise. Additionally, the more she thought about it, the more she thought it was inappropriate for her and her student to have such intimate interactions. She must have been out of her mind.

But all that seemed to melt away when Hyejin opened the door and smiled at her with happiness in her eyes. Wheein smiled back as she stepped into her house, removing her shoes. 

“You’re here.” Hyejin could not contain herself, instantly hugging Wheein. The voice at the back of Wheein’s head came out to tug at her for a while and Wheein’s smile faltered. Hyejin noticed, frowning and pulling her teacher into the studio. 

“I thought we’ve had this talk already, Professor?” She tilted her head to look at her teacher. “It’s okay. It’s all okay.” as if she read Wheein’s mind, she paused before saying, “Loco oppa is just my project partner. Plus, didn’t I already tell you I’m gay?”

Wheein snickered at the memory and nodded. “Yeah, in the funniest way possible.” sighing, she twisted her body a little and looked down. “Still, I can’t help but be a bit apprehensive about this, Hyejin-ssi.” She hoped that her unfortunate curse didn’t apply to people she was not related to by blood. Plus, if people at the university found out, the both of them would be over instantly.

Hyejin huffed and frowned again, slightly frustrated. What would it take for Wheein to know that she didn’t care?

She leaned forward, taking the older brunette’s hand in hers. “Don’t worry. They won’t know. Even if they know we hang out, it would all be for the competition, alright?” Then, smiling, she asked lowly, “Do I have to do something special for you to know how much I mean it?”

Wheein immediately felt the heat rush to her face and shook her head hard. “No, no thankyou. Let’s just do work okay?”

With that, concluding their talk and starting the final 4 hours of their work. That day, Hyejin brought her microwave into the studio so she could eat ramyeon inside, without having to disrupt work. Thus, forcing herself to be focused.

Four hours of nonstop working for Wheein was a piece of cake, she used to go on and on without stopping in the past. As they concluded the work with the last stroke, they looked at each other with triumphant looks on their faces. 

“Yay!!!” Hyejin cheered, standing up and dancing around the studio. Wheein grinned. “It’s beautiful. Thank you Hyejin-ah, you did well.” she stood up, taking a step closer to Hyejin. The younger girl spun right in front of Wheein and the older caught her in a hug, holding her tightly.

Hyejin, overwhelmed by the surprise of Wheein hugging her, wasn’t able to say anything. Instead, she let a smile grace her features and snuggled into the hug. Hey, Wheein took the initiative to hug her! 

“It’s already 3, what do you wanna do?” Hyejin asked, pulling back to look at Wheein’s face. “Anything. What do you want to do?”

“Can we cuddle? Think of it as a reward for me.” Hyejin pleads, showing some aegyo.

Wheein threw her head back in fake disgust but still shook her head. “That’s too much. Think of something else, Hyejin.” Hyejin pouted, obviously displeased with her answer. “Baby steps, Hyejin, I’m still trying to get used to being close with you.” 

They still ended up huddling together on the bed, a romantic comedy movie playing from Hyejin’s computer. “They’re gonna kiss! Ahhhh!” Hyejin squealed like a teenager, burying her face into Wheein’s neck. Wheein laughed at her student’s reaction. Having past the age of reacting to such scenes so drastically, she could only watch as her student gave all sorts of funny reactions to the movie.

Alas, they finished the movie and decided to have some talk time before dinner. 

“So, what’s your favourite food?”

“I eat everything but I hate jjajang products.”

“I like to eat everything. Especially meat organs. Then what’s your favourite pastime? Let me guess. Art. you do art in your free time.”

“Yeah. I do a lot.”

After a series of impromptu Q&A, deep questions and surface questions, the time neared 6.30pm and Hyejin asked her last question. 

“Can I just call you Wheein or unnie when we’re alone?”

“You already did many times, Hyejin-ah.” Wheein smiled gently, tucking some hair behind Hyejin’s ear. Hyejin blushed, looking away. “Okay unnie. What do you want to eat? Let’s order in again.”

some fluff?

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