Chapter 13

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Wheein opened her eyes with a smile. She was embraced by warm arms and the smell of the perfume of the one she loves mixed with the scent of her own body wash enclosed her. She hugged the younger girl gently. She wanted to savour every moment of it even though deep down there was a voice telling her it was wrong. 

Wheein had to admit: she was greedy. Greedy for warmth and love. Greedy for Hyejin.

It didn’t take long for Hyejin to wake up too. “Good morning unnie.” she greets almost immediately, spring evident in her words. Hyejin bent her head down to kiss Wheein’s hair. 

“Morning Hyejin. Don’t kiss me without brushing your teeth.” Wheein replied with a smile, still holding on to the girl. 

“Hahaha, then can I kiss you after I brush my teeth?”

“You’d have to find an extra toothbrush to do that.”

“I’ll go and buy one. It’ll probably be faster than finding a toothbrush in your house, Professor Jung.” Hyejin chuckled letting go of Wheein to roll over and get out of bed. 

Wheein laughed at the movement and got up too. Heading straight for the kitchen, she opened a cabinet and pulled out a new toothbrush. “Here. Toothbrush. Don’t waste money.” 

Hyejin grabbed the toothbrush instantly and went to brush her teeth. When she exited the toilet, Wheein was standing outside the door. “Ahn, if you didn’t have a toothbrush does it mean you didn’t brush your teeth yesterday night?”

“Uhh, I used my finger and toothpaste.” Hyejin sheepishly chuckled, scratching the back of her head. 

Wheein shook her head disapprovingly. “Disgusting, Hyejin.” She walked past Hyejin to brush her teeth too, locking the younger girl out of the toilet.

When she finally opened the door after a good five minutes, she was attacked by a hungry Hyejin. 

“Hyejin!” She barely managed to push the girl away. “I brushed my teeth, so did you. Can I kiss you now?”

“Why are you so hung up on that?” Wheein questioned in an almost angry manner, walking out of the toilet to sit on her bed. 

“Because I don’t just want to kiss you, but I’m holding myself back because I’m not your girlfriend yet.”

Wheein felt her face grow hot.

“You’re not my girlfriend, like you said, so why should I let you kiss me?”

“Well I already did so, plus last night you told me you loved me. In your sleep.”

“I-I didn’t! I was probably talking about food, yes, that must be it.” In a state of panic, Wheein blurted out randomly.

“So the food has my name? I’m pretty sure I heard you go ‘Hyejin...I love you’.” Hyejin started to laugh uncontrollably. 

“Ahn Hyejin!”

“Love you too.” Hyejin walked over to where Wheein was and pushed her to lie on the bed, hovering slightly above her.

“You’re the person I love, Jung Wheein. I don’t care if you’re my professor or something because when I graduate you won’t be. If you really think that you’re some kind of misfortune to others, I’ll use my whole life to prove it to you. I’ll grow old and ripe with you and love you forever. I mean all these from the bottom of my heart. Tell me you’ll be mine after I graduate?” 

“Wait for the day you get your degree to get an answer. Thank you Hyejin, for telling me these.” 

The two exchange a small but genuine smile.

Hyejin leaned in to kiss Wheein anyways, and though Wheein never responded, she never pushed Hyejin away either.

“I love you.” Hyejin sighed happily, connecting their foreheads.

i cant write anymore angst(if u can even call it that)so it's probably gna be mostly fluff from now on

yall aft all the comments from last week i feel like yall may be let down by the upcoming chapters zjdjzjr i personally feel that chapter 12 was the best chapter i wrote HAHAHA

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