Chapter 7

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The two of them dropped off their competition work at the competition venue on Wednesday after school ended and went for some ice cream. It was far away from campus, and Wheein was not worried about being caught. Afterall, there was nothing wrong with celebrating the completion of a competition project. Hyejin knew her limits too, and did not dare show too much affection for the teacher.  

As they reached home however, Hyejin immediately tackled Wheein into a tight hug against the wall. 

“We did it! It’s officially over! Now we just have to wait for the results. I’m so happy! I got to work on a project with you. You’re amazing. I want to-” and she stopped herself in her tracks, finishing the sentence in her head. 

Wheein chuckled and turned to look at her weirdly. “What do you want to do?” she sighs happily and sinks further into the hug. “Forget it. Whatever you want to do, do it after you graduate. Spend time on your graduation thesis first.”

Hyejin scrunches her forehead at the thought of her thesis. She was honestly already halfway done, but she was more worried about her final artwork. She was afraid Wheein might not like it, or that the quality of the artwork would be bad. 

“Alright, I’ve sent you home. I need to go home too.” Wheein smiled apologetically as she let go of Hyejin. Hyejin nodded, for she knew Wheein needed a break too. She waved the teacher off and watched as Wheein drove away in her white Honda. Hyejin was ecstatic. A part of her felt upset as now she would not have an excuse for Wheein to come over anymore. How was she going to spend more time with her?

Fast forward to the last lesson of the week, which happened to be Wheein’s lesson for Hyejin, Hyejin waited until all the students had filed out of the classroom before she went up to the teacher who was stacking assignments. Her TA happened to be on sick leave so she made use of the opportunity to talk to the teacher. 

“Professor, I figured that we could still hang out even if the competition is over. I know we talk online, but I do want to spend some physical time with you. Do you want to continue coming over on weekends?”

“You had to ask me here?” Wheein looked around before whispering, “Yeah, sure. I’ll come over.”

Hyejin’s heart skipped a beat. Her smile grew wider and she giggled softly. “Are you that happy?” Wheein snickered as Hyejin nodded. “I’m happy because it’s you. I wouldn’t be bothered if it’s anyone else.”

After the walk to the staff room to put down the assignments, Wheein and Hyejin parted ways.

“Byulyi unnie, Yongsun unnie! Guess what! Prof. Jung accepted my request to come over to my place to hang out on weekends!” 

“Heol, daebak! Good for you hyegi!” Byulyi exclaimed over the phone. Solar’s jaw hung open as she silently muttered a “You’re so lucky” over to Hyejin. “You see me everyday! Aren’t you luckier?” Byulyi pouted, jealous. “Lol Byulyi precisely because I see you everyday! I love you though.” voiced laced with sweetener, she pacified her girlfriend. “See what I deal with everyday Hyejin? Don’t be like her. Treat your girlfriend well.”

“She’s not my girlfriend yet, Yong unnie, but I hope she will be. Once I graduate, I’ll ask her.”

After a while of talking, the trio hung up to go to bed.

Hyejin lay awake in bed, unable to sleep due to the sheer excitement that had overcome her. Wheein would come over and hangout with her even though there was really no legitimate reason for her to do so. So could she count her as a friend already?

Giggling happily to herself, she wrapped the covers around her head and rolled into a ball. As the remnants of her consciousness drifted away, she fell into slumber, thinking about the Sunday she would spend with her crush-her teacher.

can't help but think abt how why i am even writing fanfics during my national exam year can't be bothered aaaaa

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