Chapter 9

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The next Thursday, the four girls manage to meet up at Hyejin’s place after their classes ended. 

“Hi Professor!” Yongsun and Byulyi chimed.

“Hi, don’t be so formal with me since we’re going to work on this together. Just call me how Hyejin does.” Wheein smiled politely at the two girls. 

“Unnie! How could you, I had to wait so long to call you this.” Hyejin pouted, upset. 

“Well, it’s different?”

“How is it different? Apologise with food please.”

“Fine, I’ll treat you to drinks tomorrow.”


Yongsun and Byulyi stared in disbelief at the childish fight between the professor and the student. Since when did they get so close?

Anyways, they started working on choosing songs once they had heard each other sing. 

The reactions were amazing and they decided they could do an R&B ballad, since they were all so good. 

“Should we write our own song? I can ask my old friends for help to arrange and edit it.”

“You mean Onewe? They’re OUR friends, not just yours Hyej.” Byulyi frowned in fake disappointment, emphasising the “our”.

The band of five boys got to know the trio at a summer festival a few years back and have displayed their abilities at writing and composing songs.
“Fine, whatever. Anyways, I think we can do that.”

It was settled, and they started to write on a set theme. Missing somebody.

Being the productive people they were, with some talking, they had done up most of the lyrics in a day and agreed to compile the lyrics and send it to Hyejin to send it to the boys for editing, since the band had already agreed to help them.

Within the next three days, they were already done, the title of their song being “I Miss You” and their group name decided as Mamamoo, since they all loved to eat radishes.

kinda filler chap but well it's something!!
also yes lmao the last line i randomly thought smt up i swear i was writing this at 3 in the morning and i was js in a vvvv bad state LOL it's a nice way to cheer myself up too

also yall moonsun subunit🤩🤩🤩 I CAN'T WAIT ahhhhh

my exams are coming up and i'm feeling super stressed sjdjsjsj i just hope i can do a bit better than the previous time hhhh

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