epilogue 1

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“Ahn Hyejin.” 

As her name was announced, Hyejin walked onto stage proudly, dressed in her graduation gown. She collected her degree and left the stage with a smile. From a short distance away, Wheein was seated in the Teachers’ audience seat, capturing her girlfriend’s best moments proudly. 

Break came and the four women met in a cozy corner of the cafeteria. “Congratulations, Hyejin-ah! Our baby finally made it out of college! Now, get a job and feed us ‘kay, we practically raised you since you were ten.” Yongsun joked, her eyes turning into beautiful crescents.

“Whaaaaat! No way. Ask Byulyi unnie to feed you. You’re already getting married!” Hyejin retorted, rolling her eyes as Byulyi and Wheein laughed along in the conversation. 

“Congrats, babe. You did really well.” Wheein smiled as she handed a bouquet of white baby’s breath and cotton flowers to her girlfriend. “Thank you Professor.” Hyejin’s lips curved upwards and she shyly receives the flowers. Her eyes widened as a soft sensation landed on her lips. She smiled, closing her eyes and responding to her lover. Sparks flew around in her mind and fireworks burst, a million pretty colours running through her mind. She didn’t have to be afraid anymore. 

Laughing like madwomen, the couple ran out of the school campus hand in hand. They had left all their things to the soon-to-be-married couple and decided to run home together. It wasn’t exactly far anyways. 

At home, Hyejin leaned her head against Wheein’s shoulder as the movie blared on the screen before them.

“Kei. Remember when she texted me that day? I told you I’d tell you about it later on.”

Wheein nodded, listening. 

“She didn’t give up on me after I told her I had someone else. She was still chasing after me and I was just frustrated because she kept creating new accounts and buying new numbers to text me. That’s why I wanted so badly to tell everyone you’re mine. But I guess there’s no need for me to do so since you kissed me in school today. Kei saw it, I know she did. She was staring at us. And boy was she mad.” Hyejin chuckled at the last sentence.

“I see. Thanks for telling me, Hyejin.” Wheein smiled and kissed her head. The movie was already playing the end credits scene.

“I always wanted to ask you, but what did you think of my art piece? The one for the final year project.” Hyejin lifted her head to look at Wheein.

“I’ve already told you. You just didn’t hear it.” Wheein smirked cheekily. 

“Hey! That’s not fair. If I didn’t hear it then it doesn’t count as you telling me!” Hyejin pouted, making wild gestures with her hands.

“I’m not saying it again! Ahh!” Wheein shouted as Hyejin scooped her up into a princess carry, heading straight for the room.

i'll leave it up to yalls imaginations what happens in the bedroom hahahahaha

my exams have officially started! although it's just practicals now and not the written papers, but the written ones are coming soon too :((

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