Chapter 20

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After two weeks of grueling examinations and going crazy from only eye communication with Wheein, Hyejin was relieved to be finally done. In a week or so she would get her results and prove that she had successfully graduated from the course and would be getting her Masters. 

Wheein too, was pretty done with not being able to be with Hyejin. At some point in time, she had decided that she would let go and let fate decide their destiny. All she knew was that she loved Hyejin and would do anything in her own power to keep her safe and healthy. She just wanted to love for now. 

While the voice at the back of her head did nag a little, she was determined to prove herself-and all the others who called her a jinx-wrong. She too, could maybe be a blessing to those around her. 

The two somehow simultaneously agreed that they would meet up at Hyejin’s house that night. Wheein arrived with two bottles of soju.

“Hey.” Hyejin greeted, giddy with happiness as she watched Wheein put the soju bottles in the fridge. “Chillin it for later.”

From her position on the couch, Wheein’s back looked so pretty.

The teacher turned around and smiled at Hyejin, spreading her arms wide open. Hyejin slowly broke into a wide smile and she got up and ran into the arms of the one she loves.

Staying in that moment with their eyes closed, Hyejin buried her nose into Wheein’s neck, smelling the scent she had dearly missed for two weeks.

“I didn’t get to tell you for the past two weeks verbally but I hope you caught it with your eyes. I love you.” Hyejin kept true to her words.

Wheein grinned and rubbed Hyejin’s back in small circles. “How could I not know?”

“You’re a week away from graduation. Happy?”

“Yes. I get a full time job and I get to kiss you.” Hyejin snickered and Wheein scoffed.


“Stay over tonight?”

“Okay. I...I missed you, Hyejin.” Wheein finally admitted, much to Hyejin’s surprise. Wheein had never expressed herself with words to her, only using her actions. She smiled and hugged Wheein as tightly as she could. 

“Me too. I missed you so much I could barely breathe.”


Hyejin managed to stay relatively sober after all the soju and went to bed with Wheein. 

“Luckily you don’t have to work tomorrow. Otherwise, you’re gonna complain.” Wheein giggled. 

“I hope you don’t get too hungover and have a bad mood tomorrow.”


“I love you Wheein unnie, I love you I love you I love you! More than anything in the world. You’re so precious.”

Wheein smiled at the rambling lion lying in front of her. “You’re drunk, Hyegi.”

“What? No!”

“Yes. Go to sleep.”


Wheein shook her head and sighed. “What would you do without me?”

“What a dumb question Professor Jung. Are you really a professor? How could you ask me this? How would I live without you now?”

Wheein shut the girl up with a forehead kiss. 

“Is that enough?” she asked the little girl.

“No. Here too.” Hyejin pouted, pointing to her lips.

“Keep promises Hyejin-ah. One more week. You’ve done well, so just wait for a week more.”


“Wheein-ah I love you. Goodnight.”

Wheein smiled and pulled the girl into a cuddle. She looked out the window, a glimmer of happiness in her eyes. 

As Hyejin's soft breathing stabilised, Wheein started to whisper into the night.

“You know, I saw your art. I recognised it for a moment and I think it’s really beautiful. I love it Hyejin. I’m sure Ggomo will too. He knows you want to play with him too.”

“I don’t think I can ever be without you anymore, Hyejin. You complete me. I just know that you love me and I love you too. We were probably meant to be from the start. I had already planned to be single forever, but you barged into my life and we’re in an ambiguous relationship now. But trust me, we will get what we want.”

She paused to press another kiss to the sleeping girl’s hair. 

“Hyejin-ah, you’ve changed my life completely. I don’t even remember how I lived before. You make me happy and sad and scared. I don’t want to lose you. I want you to be in my life forever. The voice at the back of my head tells me no, my heart says yes and my brain says listen to my heart. So I shall, and I will love you.”

As she whispered slowly to her beloved, she drifted off to dreamland.

A dreamland where all her dead relatives come to life.

drunk hyegi ❤❤ also what do you think wheein's gonna dream about
ps i'll start updating twice a week bc i wanna finish this before my national exams start! so it'll be (edit:) wednesdays and fridays

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