Chapter 4

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Outside the door, Wheein stood in shock as she processed the very simple words Hyejin said to her. 

“Hyejin’s...worried? Did she call my name?” a million thoughts were running through her head. “Why would she be worried? I’m just her teacher. I’m like a nobody she will forget when she graduates.”  she questioned herself again and again, taking a full five minutes before she had time to think about what she was going to do. 

Taking slow steps towards the door, she tried her best to control her erratic breathing. Knock, knock, knock. “Hyejin-ssi? Are you okay?”

“No! I’m sorry.” came the muffled reply. 

“Open up Hyejin-ssi, I just want to check on you.”

“No. I’m too embarrassed Ms Jung. I can’t face you now! Not after I said those!” Hyejin yelled from inside, as Wheein heard a faint punching of a pillow.

“Do you think I’m not awkward? Open up Ahn Hyejin.” she said sternly, mustering all her strength and courage.

Hyejin had no choice but to unlock her door, but ran back to dive under her covers immediately. Wheein entered the room to a white lump on the big bed. She smiled slightly and closed the door behind her. 

“Hey, come out.” she tried, tapping the lump.

“I’m gay.”

Wheein burst out into a fit of giggles. “I didn’t mean that come out, Hyejin, but it’s nice to know.”

Hyejin slowly removed the blanket above her head and sat up, looking down the whole while. Her face was obviously red, despite her tanned complexion. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled and I shouldn’t have said those to you. It was rude. But I was really worried, Professor.” she confesses quietly.

Wheein moved to sit down beside Hyejin. WIth a sigh, she pulled Hyejin into the tightest hug ever. Their third hug in one day. Hyejin hugged back as Wheein kept quiet. 

“Thank you for being worried. No one’s ever been this worried for me in a while, so thank you.” Wheein mumbled silently, just loud enough for Hyejin to hear. “Why? You’re so pretty and you’re a great person to be with. I don’t understand how no one would worry for you.” Hyejin frowned for the umpteenth time that day, slowly rubbing her teacher’s back bit by bit to test if she would react. Wheein pulled back and flashed a sad smile. “Shall I tell you a story?” 

They ended up lying side by side, black-out curtains drawn and staring at Hyejin’s glow in the dark galaxy painted ceiling. Taking a deep breath, Wheein started to share her story.

what will her story be?
be careful hahaha i might rip your hearts out next chapter

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