Chapter 19

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The day of her examinations finally came and Hyejin was wrenching her hands nervously outside the lecture hall, waiting for the time to come. 

Her phone lit up and she quickly read the notification: come to my office now.

She sprinted down the corridor and down a flight of stairs to the teachers’ building, almost bursting open Wheein’s door when she arrived. 

“Yes?” Hyejin panted. 

“Good luck on your exams. You’re going to do well.” Wheein engulfed Hyejin in a tight hug with her encouraging words. 

“Oh, unnie.” Hyejin sighed as she relaxed into her teacher’s arms.

“Fighting. I believe in you Hyejin.” With her last words, Wheein ushered Hyejin out of her office into the empty hallway. Hyejin ran back to the lecture hall and began her examination a few minutes after.

Hyejin was well prepared. She knew she could do well. She didn’t have many papers to sit for, but her papers were long and taxing. The hardest one being her on the spot creation. The first paper was relatively okay for her.

When she finally exited the examination hall, she had received a text from Wheein.

New message
wheein unnie <3: how was the paper? i hope you found it ok :)) i just wanted to say that i wrote some of your other papers so we shouldn’t be in too much contact right now. contact me only when necessary, hyejinnie. goodluck! <33

Hyejin frowned unknowingly. “What’s with the frown Jinnie? You’ve already turned in your art and thesis yesterday.” Chaeyoung, Hyejin’s friend in her class asked as she caught sight of Hyejin’s frown.

“Oh, well...nothing much Chaeng. How’s Mina?”

“She’s doing great. The baby’s due in a few months and we’re really excited for that.” Chaeyoung grinned at the thought of her wife and undelivered baby.

“Great to know. Good luck on the tests! I’ll see you around.” Hyejin smiles at her friend before leaving.

She wondered how Wheein would react if she had seen her artwork.

hehehe special mention of twice's chaeyoung
initially i was thinking about whether i should put jisoo(bp) instead
but yeah i ended up putting chaeyoung

the whole album is a bop istg its my current on loop playlist and im so happy listening to it

early update bc it's the (unofficial) last written paper day!! after this it's all mcq HEHEHE YAY

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