Chapter 15

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"That was amazing!" The leaders who organised the event were stunned. "I didn't know you could sing so well, Prof. Jung!"

"Eh, no but thankyou." Wheein smiled politely. "Keep up the good work on Friday!"

Back at the changing room, the four women quickly changed back into their daily clothes and left for their classes. Hyejin went off with Wheein because, well, her next class was Wheein's.

"Let's go, we might be late. We're so lucky the rehearsal ended on time so I didn't have to postpone any classes." Wheein hurried as she scurried to class with Hyejin by her side.

At the last minute, the two entered the lecture hall together and heaved a sigh of relief, exchanging a small smile. Hyejin quickly went to her seat and Wheein started the lesson.

Meanwhile, Moonsun, having no immediate lessons, were chilling at the fountain in front of their school building, whispering sweet nothings to each other.

As soon as class ended for the two, Hyejin received a notification from her mailbox. She tapped on it and the mail popped out.

"Dear contestant, we are pleased to inform you that...OH MY GOSH!" Hyejin nearly yelled, making the lecture hall stare at her. "Sorry, please go on with what you were doing." She grinned sheepishly, making her way towards Wheein who was at her table.

"Unnie!" she whispered, the smile on her face showing her excitement.

"Professor. Remember Hyejin." Wheein frowned sternly as she whispered back. "What is it?"

Hyejin couldn't hold in her smile as she watched Wheein take in the contents of the mail.

"HEOL! DAEBAK!" This time, Wheein was the one who raised her volume. At least, this time less students were left in the hall.

"Really? We did this? What?" She was in a state of shock as she re-read the email over and over again. "Hyejin-ah. What does it say? I'm not seeing things right?" She asked, holding the phone to her heart.

"Yes, Professor. 50,000 won. It's ours! Thank you for all the hard work. It really paid off. I really-" Hyejin lowered her volume and leaned in slightly before continuing, "Really want to hug you now."

Turns out they had won first place in the art competition for the amazing work they had done together. Hyejin had received the mail notifying them to collect the prize at the organiser's office.

"Shall we go today? And get some food. We need to celebrate!" Hyejin pestered Wheein about it.

Wheein just grinned at her hyped-up student. "Sure Hyejin. Use the money we earned to get something nice to eat."

They ended up having a feast that day at a small diner, pigging out to ripe marinated kimchi and grade A Korean beef. Along with another serving of rice and stew of course, how could they forget their carbs.

It was a fulfilling night for them, celebrating the success of a month's effort put into the competition.

That night, Wheein insisted that Hyejin and her return to their own homes to sleep, despite the nonstop pleading from Hyejin.

"We've done this too many times. Plus, why have a house if you're not living in it?"

"Ahh, unnie, please? It'll be the second last time this month, I swear."

"Why second last?"

"Because I intend to sleepover again after the talent show. Hehehe."

"You sneaky."

"Only for you."

"No. Only the talent show. We can have drinks with Moonsun."

"Oh, you call them Moonsun!"

"Hey, I'm hip and trendy too, okay!" With a last sentence, Wheein gave Hyejin no chance and chased her out of the car.

How would she have expected that Hyejin would sneak into her house in the middle of the night using the spare key she kept under the mat? She should really have changed the hiding place of that key.

"Why did you have to sneak in?"

"I want to sleep with you, unnie."

"Ugh. What do I do with you." Wheein rolled her eyes and shook her head as she poured the warm milk into a cup and set it on the table, with Hyejin clinging onto her from behind. Just the usual, no change.

"Don't forget we aren't dating yet, Hyejin. Keeping boundaries is important. And you've kissed me way too many times already."

"Let me be until the show day ends. I promise I'll keep my lips off your body until I graduate then." Hyejin pouted and released Wheein from the hug, instead going over to the toast.

Wheein chuckled. "Fine. Make sure you keep your promise."

Hyejin smiled. What a good way to start your morning. Graduation was just a month away. If she passed all her examinations then she would be fine.

how rich 😔
hehehe hyejin only has 2 days left to kiss wheein oops
oh yes i just finished day 1 of this term's major exam :D my brain is fried

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