note <3

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we have come to the end of the ff yayyyy!!!
it's finally completely uploaded now

i think this fanfic could've had more details but i'm just happy that i was able to put in so much effort for this (because i literally have 0 patience for writing long stories i give up most of my attempts by like chapter 3) but i managed to write on bc of my immense love for the 4 women❤and wheesa HAHAHA

also let's support all the girls no matter what happens in the future! mamamoo hwaiting <33

ngl the best decision i ever made was to watch search:www bc i found lee dahee, followed her on ig, found queendom, watched it and fell in love with mamamoo
i swear they're my ults and i can't get by w/o their content anym literally need to hear yong's laughter, wheein being annoyed and being cute(and having everyone wrapped arnd her little finger omg) and byulie's cheesy lines and hyegi's AWESOMENESS (in every single thing she does how does she look good even when she's sleeping i sleep like a monster and she eats with such eXPRESSION) everyday if nt i can't live

also did i mention how late i am to the fandom i literally heard of them during starry night but didn't pay attention (where my brain at) and chose to only join them at hip DYING love them sm uGH

ok that was a rlly long rant i shall js run off bye

eva out!

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