Chapter 23

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Wheein was fine, like she promised, after round two of Yongsun’s porridge and another night of restful sleep.

She was marking her students’ works when Hyejin came up to her with a plate of fruits. 

“You need some vitamins.” she said plainly, feeding Wheein a slice of apple. The busy teacher munched on it as she flipped a page over. “You shouldn’t be here when I’m marking, but this fruit is good.”

“That doesn’t even link to each other, Wheein.”

“I know. More.”

Hyejin shook her head in exasperation as she fed Wheein again. 

The process continued til the plate was completely empty.  Then Hyejin left Wheein to her marking while she proceeded to watch some tv.

I Live Alone was on and she couldn’t help but laugh when one of her favourite members, Hwasa, came on. 

Time passed quickly and Wheein ended just nice as the show ended. 

“I’m so done with this marking shit. Why did I even become a professor?” Wheein threw her pen down into the pencil case and kept all the scripts neatly in her box. 

She sat down beside Hyejin and scrolled down the delivery menu on her phone. “Dinner?” she asked.

“Eat something light, you just recovered.” Hyejin immediately replied, seeing the list of fried chicken on Wheein’s screen. “Fine,” the teacher mumbled, changing the menu.

Hyejin’s phone lit up and Wheein frowned when she caught the name of the texter. “Kei?”

“Uh, oh. It’s nothing.” Hyejin’s face darkened as she slid up to check the message. Wheein’s eyebrows continued to crease even further when she saw the look on Hyejin’s face. 

Hyejin sighed and locked her phone after typing something into it. “I wish my results would come out quickly. Then I can tell the whole world that you’re mine.”

Wheein let out a soft smile and accepted Hyejin’s hug. “Jiyeon. Are you in contact with her?” she tried to ask as coolly as possible.

“Not until recently. She...nevermind. I’ll tell you again next time. Promise.”

Knowing that Hyejin was a girl who kept her promises well, Wheein decided to trust her and wait patiently. 

hwasa's appearance LOL
also short chapter!
what do you think is gna happen now that wheein caught kei texting hyejin

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