Chapter 24

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The remaining days of the week flew by. It was a breezy Monday evening and Hyejin was standing on the balcony of Wheein’s apartment after her shift at the gallery ended, enjoying the scenery. Wheein walked over and leaned against the balcony railings. “Have you checked your results?” 

Hyejin’s head whipped around as her eyes grew big. “They’re out already?” she yelled, quickly whipping out her phone and logging onto the portal to check her results.

Wheein stood, smiling as her student scrolled through the namelist. It didn’t take long before Hyejin squealed in pure happiness. 

“I’m done! I got my degree! I graduated, Wheein, I graduated!” Hyejin jumped for joy, holding the phone close to her heart. 

“Yeah, you did. Good job Hyejin.” Wheein grinned at her student. 

Hyejin calmed down in a minute and turned to face Wheein seriously. 

“I’ve graduated, unnie. Now will you give me an answer?” Hyejin took Wheein’s hand in hers. “Jung Wheein, will you be my girlfriend?”

Wheein bit her lip and looked down in what seemed to be regret and Hyejin’s brows furrowed ever so slightly. “Wheein?”

“Hyejin...I…” Wheein took a step forward and said shakily.

Pausing for a moment, she let out a dramatic breath and looked up into Hyejin’s beautiful brown orbs. She took another step forward with a guilty expression and Hyejin’s forehead creased further. “Why? What is it?”

“Yes.” she whispered lightly, a smirk taking over her lips as she pulled the younger girl’s nape forwards and pressed her own lips against hers. It was a peck, and she pressed many to the already crying Hyejin’s lips.

“Why are you crying?” Wheein smiled as she kissed away her lover’s tears. 

“Wheein-ah…” Hyejin sobbed as she leaned into the older woman's embrace again. With a passionate kiss, they expressed whatever feelings they had for each other that could not be expressed by words.

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

They laughed and kissed again, guiding themselves to the kitchen to get soju to celebrate.

마마무 사랑하누 <3
sweet endings hehehe
it's the end!!! thanku to everyone who consistently voted fr my story HAHAHA i didn't know it wld get this much views anyw
let's continue to support mamamoo!!
also hwasa's solo comeback album coming up😭😭😭
there's going to be 3 epilogue chapters for this story :D stay tuned til the end! thankyou for reading!

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