epilogue 2

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a/n this epilogue is complete nonsense i know that yeast doesnt grow this fast in such a short time but let's just pretend it does 🤡🤡🤡👍🏻

“Hyejin-ah…” Wheein groaned as she looked at the mess in the kitchen.

Hyejin laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of her head and tried to clear the paste smeared around, but it seemed impossible as the mess just kept growing.

She had attempted to do some baking for Wheein since she knew the professor had a long day. However, it soon turned out disastrous as she accidentally toppled the yeast into the mixing bowl and it started growing rapidly.

Soon, the whole kitchen table was full of growing yeast in bread mixture and Wheein was summoned into the kitchen by a helpless Hyejin. It was at this time that the both of them decided having moonsun live a couple of blocks next to Hyejin was a really amazing idea.

Moonsun came within minutes and Yong set to work with Wheein, who had already begun cleaning up while cursing Hyejin out loudly. Hyejin could only watch them toil with Byulyi, feeling extremely guilty. All she wanted was to let Wheein relax and enjoy her evening while she baked for her, but she just ruined everything. Byulyi patted her shoulder sympathetically. 

That night, Hyejin treated everyone to a pizza as an apology. After Moonsun left, Wheein huffed and went straight to bed, head under the covers. Hyejin’s lips curved upside down and she quickly changed and got into bed with wheein. 

“Wheein unnie…” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around Wheein's waist from behind.

“What.” Wheein replied sharply. 

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to bake you a cake. I ruined everything.” Hyejin pouted again and nuzzled the older girl’s neck.

Wheein turned around, sighing, and kissed her lover softly. “I know you meant well Hyejin, but really, toppling that bottle of yeast into the bowl was just...stupid. You’ve been really careless lately as well, what’s wrong?” 

Hyejin bit her lip and lowered her gaze. “I don’t know either...it’s like my hands aren’t mine anymore. And my thoughts keep wandering...my attention span’s become really short as well. I think it’s just a phase and will pass, please bear with me for now. It’s probably work stress anyway.”

“I’m stressed from work too Hyejin. Why not as an apology you do something for me tonight. That pizza wasn’t enough.” Wheein sighed, running a hand down the back of Hyejin's thigh. Hyejin broke into a smirk and let her own hand creep under Wheein's shirt. “You sure? I’m not going easy on you today.”

Wheein rolled her eyes and flipped so that Hyejin was on top of her. “Shut up and kiss me now baby.”

Needless to say, their night was pretty long Professor Jung had some walking issues the next day. 

a/n again
i think i wrote this chapter when i was high from lack of sleep HAHAHAHA bear with me please :))

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