Chapter 12

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“I need to get out of here, let me go!” Wheein cried out, trying to shake the hand off consciously without even checking the owner of the hand.

No time was wasted. Another arm wrapped around her waist and a pair of lips crashed against hers. She struggled, pushed and stepped on the other person’s foot but to no avail. 

But one thing was clear. As soon as the light perfume of the other person hit her, she recognised it. Hyejin.

The kiss broke and Hyejin pulled her into a tight hug without even saying anything. Wheein was a crying mess as tears streamed down her face continually.

“Wheein. Wheein, I promise it wasn’t anything to me. What you saw in the cafe meant nothing. But the kiss I shared with you meant everything. I love you, Jung Wheein, and only you.” The younger girl whispered soothingly, the guilt in her voice however, evident.

Wheein sobbed as she hit the younger girl with her fist repeatedly. 

“Don’t love me! Why do you love me! You shouldn’t love me! I’m your professor for good’s sake, Ahn Hyejin! I don’t deserve anything! Not especially you! So please don’t say you love me Hyejin-”

“Hit me all you want! But never ever say you are not worthy of anything. Because you are worth everything. Everything in the world, Wheein. I love you and nothing is going to change that fact.” Hyejin cut her off sharply, looking at the teacher straight in the eyes.

Wheein could feel the sincerity in those words, and those eyes, they burn. She was scared. So scared of the passionate love from the young girl.

“Go back to work, Hyejin. We shouldn’t see each other.” She finally pushed Hyejin away, her voice ice cold as she turned around and pulled open the door of the car. 

“No, don’t go. We should talk it out.” Hyejin quickly said. “Please, I’ll bring dinner to your place. I’ll go to you, unnie.”

Wheein didn’t reply, blinking a few times. Her heart ached as she slammed the door of the car and drove off, leaving Hyejin alone in the parking lot.

Hyejin’s tears began to fall uncontrollably. “If only I reacted fast enough. Darn it!”

She was listless for the rest of the hour of her shift and raced out of the building after she had gotten off work and changed. 

Heading to the nearest tonkatsu ramen stall, she bought two set meals for Wheein and herself and sped to Wheein’s house on the taxi she called. 

It was her first time there, but Wheein’s apartment was not difficult to find at all. 

“There. Unit 16.”

Hyejin took a deep breath. Many thoughts raced through her mind as she took steps towards the door of her love’s house. What if she doesn’t open the door? What if she’s really mad? What if we never clear this up?

With shaky fingers, she pressed the doorbell. She waited and there was no answer, so she rang the doorbell again. She was starting to get anxious. Then her phone chimed.

New message

wheein unnie<3: there are spare keys under the mat, come in if you want to. i don’t have medicine for allergies. 

Hyejin smiled, reading the notification. So she wasn’t exactly mad?

She easily found the keys to the lock and slipped into the house quietly. Wheein was sitting on the couch, leaning on her knees and watching television quietly with a very unpleasant expression on her face. Her eyes were puffy, as if she had been crying the whole time. The tissues in the dustbin just proved the point. Hyejin sighed and bit her lip as she placed the food down onto Wheein’s dining table. 

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