Chapter 10

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Hyejin asked wheein for some help on her art assignment, which was due in the next few days. 

“Procrastinating huh, you’re coming to me for help now?” Wheein smirked as she picked up a marker and added a few lines to the half completed assignment. “Oh please, I was busy with other assignments too. Plus, I knew you’d help me.” Hyejin replied with a playful grin as she rested her head on her teacher’s shoulder, hugging her from behind. “Ahh get off me! You’re so distracting, Ahn.” Wheein shrugged Hyejin off her shoulder lightly, smiling as she touched up the assignment. 

“Here, complete the rest of it yourself. Make me proud.” she turned her head to look at the head on her shoulder. The head nodded. Their distance was so close, if Hyejin moved forward a little more they could kiss. But she didn’t. She couldn’t cross the line. They admired each other for a moment before Wheein looked away. “I’m tired, wanna watch some tv?” Hyejin brought her to the small sofa and turned on the old television. 

Hyejin put her toes on the edge of the sofa and hugged herself as the drama started airing. “You like this?” Wheein asked, a strange look spreading across her face. “Yeah, it has a feel to it.” she laughed. Wheein looked back at the tv. “I like it too.” she announces. About just then, the door lock chimes as someone keys in the password. 

Hyejin whipped her head over. “Hyejin-ah! We’re here!” Byulyi's voice came from the door. 

Byulyi and Yongsun walked in through the door, arms linked. “Hi unnie!” The two greeted Wheein excitedly, knowing that it would be their first practice together.

They had all done their self practice at home before, so they were pretty familiar with their parts already. In a few moments, they were going through the song together and reviewing each other’s parts, making small suggestions.

Taking the next few hours to discuss and rehearse, they were dead beat by the time they were done. The group of four decided to go over the song a few more times before the actual school rehearsal which would take place the next Wednesday.

“It’s already so late, What would y’all like to have for dinner?” Wheein asked, whipping out her phone. “You’re treating us? Daebak.” Hyejin grinned, once again hugging the teacher from behind. “I want this.” she tapped on Wheein’s screen. 

Meanwhile, Moonsun, who had just witnessed the two of them hugging, looked at each other in shock. “Hyejin’s going to get her girl for sure, Byul, I can feel it in my bones.” Yong commented, feeling excited for her best friend. “Of course she will. She’s the Charismatic Ahn.” They then placed their orders and thanked the teacher for the treat.

Over dinner, they chatted, mostly about the talent show, but as they moved along the conversation they found themselves having great fun. It was as if long lost friends had reunited over a simple dinner. Wheein found herself relaxing with the trio. She had not felt this peaceful with any others for a long, long time. She watched as Hyejin bantered with her unnies and smiled, talking at the right moments.

Moonsun parted ways with the other two after the dinner, going home for...a date, they said. 

Wheein and Hyejin proceeded back to the couch to watch a movie they had rented together. Grabbing her blanket and two large bowls of snacks, Hyejin headed out of the kitchen to where Wheein was waiting for her, shot glasses of soju already full and awaiting to be drunk. It was Friday, anyway. 

“Yes, finally!” Wheein cheered as the movie came on. Hyejin lifted the blanket so she could come in too. Wheein snuggled up next to Hyejin on the carpeted floor and allowed the younger girl to lean against her, hugging back.

Throughout the movie, they couldn’t help but be focused. It had an intriguing plot, to say the least. Drinking and eating never stopped though. 

The movie ended with a heart wrenching scene and the two women huddled together and cried for the protagonist, who had watched his lover die. 

“This is unfair! He needs to live and-and they need a happy ending.” Hyejin sobbed pitifully into Wheein’s shoulder. 

“I agree. But it was nice. Please just revive him somehow if there is going to be a season two.”

Wiping their tears, they smiled at each other, thinking silently at the same time, luckily the one I love is still healthy before me. Especially so for Wheein, who was about to start tearing up at the thought again. 

“Shh, don’t cry unnie, I’m here.” Hyejin took Wheein into her arms again when she saw the teacher’s pained expression. “Wanna sleepover tonight?” She whispered ever so softly. Her words brushed against Wheein’s ears and the older woman felt a tingle down her spine. Shivering, she lifted her head. 

“I don’t have clothes.”

“You can wear mine, we are almost the same size anyways.”

Just like that, they spent their first night together in Hyejin’s room, laughing under the covers as they chatted away, slightly drunk.

a bit of this chapter was from the original veraion of this story. i disliked the original so i actually changed the whole story plot from chapter 2 or 3 onwards...which is probably why the writing in chapter 1 and 2 r super bad HAHAHA

but thn i rlly didn't like what i had initially and i think like this version better
it has more feel to it anyways
but then again my writing has alw been mediocre-bad-horrible so🥱🥱

double update tdy hehehehe

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