Chapter 8

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“Hey, you’re here.” Hyejin smiled, standing up from the couch to welcome the teacher. She had given Wheein her door password the previous night so that Wheein could come in at any given time. Wheein entered the living room, placing her bag down on the table to sit down with Hyejin. The tv was on, a random cartoon playing. The duo spent some time in front of the tv, watching the cartoon and laughing at it together. 

When the cartoon finally ended, Hyejin turned to Wheein. “So, what do you want to do today, unnie?”

“Uhh, I actually came unprepared.” Wheein shrugged, a smile growing on her face. “Oh yeah, the school asked the teachers to advertise the upcoming talent show. It could be a song or a dance or an instrument performance, even a poetry recital. Would Yongsun and Byulyi be interested?”

Hyejin grinned at the mention of her two best friends. “Sure, they can do some moonsun concept thingies.” she said, wiggling her brows suggestively. Wheein smacked her thigh with a scrunched-up forehead and laughed. “You know we can’t do that. It’s still a school after all, Hyejin.” Hyejin giggled at the thought. 

“Can you sing?” Hyejin blurted out, gazing intently at Wheein. Wheein shook her head. “I’ve never tried, honestly. I don’t really have any reasons to anyways.”

“Well, you can sing a song for me! I’ll sing for you too. Please?” Hyejin pouted, dragging the last please. Wheein smirked and poked one of Hyejin’s cheeks. 

“Alright, but if I’m tone deaf and give you earrape don’t kill me, you asked for it.”

“I’m sure you’ll be amazing. Go ahead.”

Taking a deep breath, Wheein started to sing. 

Hyejin recognised the song by the first note, “Honey.”

She was stunned. Wheein was a literal Angel. Her voice was as sweet as the title of the song. 

By the time Wheein ended, Hyejin’s expression was unreadable. Her jaw slightly parted and gaze distracted, it was as if she had fallen into a different dimension. “Earth to Hyejin?”

“Wh-what? You’re done? One more please, it was amazing.” Hyejin grinned, wrapping her arms slowly around Wheein’s waist. Wheein narrowed her eyes and looked over at Hyejin. “No. You sing.” Hyejin pouted again and released her hug, sitting up straight before clearing her voice.

Wheein laughed.

Hyejin started to sing and Wheein’s eyes and ears never left the girl. 

How was she so, perfect?

Her sultry and husky voice pulled Wheein in so deep, she found herself gazing upon the girl with an intense love. “Talk.”

“Wheeinie? Unnie? Why do you have the same reaction as me?” Hyejin furrowed her brows in confusion. “Your presence is amazing hyej, why did you come to arts instead of music?” Wheein asked, this time her being the one to hug Hyejin.

Hyejin took the opportunity to flirt. “Because I heard there was a hot chick teacher teaching arts. I hoped she would teach me and now here she is, sitting beside me hugging me.” 

Wheein instantly let go of Hyejin, giving her a light slap on her arm and fake-fuming. 

“Alright alright, it’s because I found art more interesting. But yeah the rumour got me too.” she snickered. 

Wheein had no choice but to laugh along, Hyejin leaning her head onto Wheein’s shoulder again. 

“You should hear Yongsun and Byulyi unnie sing. Byulyi unnie can rap too. And she’s so good at it.” Hyejin whispered softly, thinking back to the days where they were singing together under the sakura tree in the orphanage. 

“Maybe if you think my voice is that great, I could join the talent show with you. Wouldn’t you like that?” Wheein said, stroking Hyejin’s hair softly. 

Hyejin sat up, surprised orbs staring back into the teacher’s. “Really?” Wheein nodded. “Ask them first. You can tell me again. There’s three more weeks anyways.”

Hyejin did a small yip of happiness and hugged the teacher tightly. “Anything for you, Professor Jung.” Somehow, the name gave Wheein chills. Perhaps it was the way that Hyejin had called her with that amazing voice of hers. 

The two then spent the rest of the day chatting, getting to know each other even better. There wasn’t much needed to know though, they were like two peas in a pod, and had so much chemistry between them that it was as if they had known each other in another life, another universe, perhaps.

“Yongsun unnie, Byulyi unnie, do you want to join the talent show?” Hyejin asked nonchalantly during their video call session that night. 

“For what? We have better things to do.” Byulyi replied as Yongsun nodded her head gently. 

“Well, I guess you’d have to miss out on being on stage with Prof. Jung then,” Hyejin said in an even more “I-don’t-care” manner, shrugging her shoulders. 

“WHAT?! WITH PROFESSOR JUNG AS IN PROFESSOR JUNG WHEEIN?” Yongsun nearly blasted Hyejin’s eardrums. Hyejin rolled her eyes and yelled back, “YES, HER!”

“Oh woah hey chill. Um, I’m sure we have time for this don’t we, Byul?” Yongsun nudged Byulyi, a huge smile already on her face. The star rolled her eyes and laughed at the woman beside her. “Yeah I guess. What will we perform though?”

“Sing a song. You guys should hear Prof. Jung sing. She will blow your head off.” Hyejin sighs contentedly, the sound of Wheein’s singing ringing through her head. She could listen to it for days without stopping, and never tire of it.

“You’re so lucky, Hyejin. I want to hear our non-music professors sing too.” Yongsun sighs deeply, latching onto Byulyi. The younger girl gently kisses the older and they exchange a smile before turning back to the camera. “Ew, don’t pda in front of me. I’m still a child.”

“Hyejin you have a whole driving license and you curse at other drivers whenever you drive. And you drink so much on Friday nights and get so hungover on Saturday. You sure you’re a child?” Byulyi retorted, laughing her ass off with Yongsun.

“I-I mean, my-my soul is young!” Hyejin barely manages to blurt. 

mygosh im so in love with wheein pls
im finally updating on schedule LOL

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