Chapter 18

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Days passed quickly for everyone but Hyejin. It seemed so painful to not be able to kiss Wheein at all. But she had her focus on her exams anyway, so that took some of the "stress" off her shoulders. With a week left to the start of her papers, she was rushing the last bit of her thesis.

"How's it going, Hyejin?" Byulyi asked. They were sitting in a cafe, talking to each other alone. Sometimes Hwabyul needs time too.

"I miss Wheein."

Byulyi couldn't contain her laughter as she gloated over her best friend's misery. Yongsun and her had been progressing well and she was thinking of popping the question after the exams.

Recently, Byulyi had signed on with a company as a producer, while Yongsun signed on in the same company as a model and a producer. The company management was well aware of their relationship and was fine with it, hence everything went smoothly for them. They were given a month's notice to report to work as they still had exams.

Hyejin on the other hand had already been talking to the gallery about her full-time contract as a curator and guide. Things were going well and she just needed to wait for her degree.

"Good luck to you, mate. At least she still hangs out with you and helps you."

"That's true, but we don't get to sleepover anymore. And we don't even get to talk much in school now because of all her fans from the performance. She's always surrounded and ugh, there are more and more people randomly confessing! Please, I just want to yell to the world that she'll be mine." Hyejin ranted, head in hands.

Byulyi could feel the younger girl. "Yongsun too. Although I think we're pretty obvious, I think some people just don't seem to understand that we're dating."

"Tell the world. Unlike me, I can't because I'm still her student. But you can, unnie. Tell the world."

"Do you want us to die? The university will probably kick us out. You know the president is sticky about lgbt things."

"So what? You're already graduating and even your workplace acknowledges your relationship. Byulyi unnie. You worked so hard to get to this point, and the two of you have been through so much. You can't let Yongsun unnie be snatched away."

"She won't. Anyway, you should focus on yourself. Someone needs to get their girl." Byulyi laughed teasingly.

Hyejin couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I will."

When she reached home, Hyejin immediately headed for the studio and unveiled the artwork that was left inside to dry two days ago.

Standing in the middle of the studio, the canvas sheet was painted over with a few dozens of layers of paint, each layer done carefully by Hyejin.

In the painting, a woman in a long blue dress stood and carried a white and orange patched cat lovingly in her arms. The cat seemed to be smiling as the woman's fingers seemed to come to life, running through its silky coat of fur.

The whole painting had a cool colour theme and yet exuded feelings of love, warmth and joy, all combined in the way the cat was lying in the woman's arms. The face of the woman was covered by a hat, but her jet black and smooth long hair could be seen.

Hyejin smiled at the painting. If one were to look closely, the background of the painting was actually Wheein's living room in a different shade of colour. The kitten cage was where it should be, beside the feeding station. There was a box of sand and some toys strewn on the floor, all obviously bitten by the cat before.

She was ready to submit the artwork. Her thesis had been completed the night before. All that was left to handle was her exams.

i srsly dk if it's the nights that i spent staying up to complete this fanfic on my computer or what else but i think my emotion description was p good? totally unrelated but yes
i have completed the whole fanfic alr but i'm just going to upload it as per normal schedule
also updating tdy bc i wna do something that will get my mind off unhappy thoughts. u guys have no idea how much i appreciate all the votes you give my story 💜❤

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