Chapter 11

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Hyejin woke up the next morning to a familiar scent under her nose. She was having a headache from all the booze the previous night, but the scent was helping. She was relaxing slowly before she realised that she was in someone's arms. That someone smelt really nice and familiar. Slowly opening her eyes and un-furrowing her brows, she lifted her head.

Wheein. There she was, sleeping peacefully. Holding Hyejin gently in her arms with her eyes closed and breathing even, she looked so peaceful and young at that moment.

Hyejin lifted herself slowly to look at her teacher's face. "What an angel." She sighs in contentment, happy that she had witnessed her love's sleeping face. She returned to her original position, legs intertwining with Wheein's once again. Snuggling into the warm chest, she smiled.

How she wished this moment would last forever.

Wheein stirred slowly, not long after Hyejin had awoken. Letting out a soft groan, she pulled Hyejin in tighter before yawning softly.

"Hyejin-ah..." She mumbled, stroking the younger girl's hair. Hyejin smiled again.

"Awake?" Hyejin asked softly.

"Mm, two more minutes."

"Good morning, by the way," Wheein added after a momentary pause to let her pulsing headache pass.

"Good morning to you too, Wheeinie unnie." Hyejin giggled, lifting a hand to brush the hair out of Wheein's face, earning a soft smile from the older.

Light rays were already streaming in from the gaps between the blinds. Hyejin decided it would be wise to get up and pulled her teacher up to wash up before settling on brunch together.

"I have to work today, unnie. Part time at the gallery."

Hyejin worked part time as a guide and a curator in the art gallery downtown. When she gets her Masters, she would then sign a full time contract with the gallery.

"Sounds interesting, Hyej. I have to go home and mark some people's overdue assignments, prepare for the week's lessons, maybe have a big headache because of the quality of work I flipped through two nights ago." Wheein complained, heaving a big and stressed sigh.

Hyejin chuckled at her teacher's misfortune. "How about you come and do those at the gallery cafe? Then I could join you during my breaks." she suggested, sipping on her coffee.

Wheein shrugged. "I've seen enough of you, but sure. Nothing like surrounding myself with the smell of art again."

Hyejin fake frowned at the first sentence and pouted, to which Wheein moved sideways to pull her into a side hug.

"That's settled then, I'll see you again later...Maybe we could have dinner together again."

"Nah, I'm going home to spend time with Ggomo. He needs love too. My boyfriend." Wheein broke into a big grin thinking about the fluffy patched cat at home, probably trampling on her sofa again.

Hyejin laughed at that, standing up to throw the containers away. Hyejin got a lift from Wheein to the gallery later before Wheein drove off to pick up her work from home.

"Ggomo-ya~ Mummy's home~" Wheein called out to her cat, laughing as it strolled out slowly from under the couch. "Aigoo my baby. How have you been? I'm going out again but I promise you I'll be home tonight kay?" stroking Ggomo's fur happily, she picked the cat up and went into the study to pack her marking.

Before leaving the house, of course, she kissed Ggomo goodbye.

She hummed along to the radio that day, feeling exceptionally good. She hoped the day would turn out well. She reached the cafe, hopping off her car and heading inside to order an iced americano.

A couple of hours passed before she noticed Hyejin in her uniform at the door of the huge cafe. She was about to wave to the girl before she caught sight of someone-someone from their school's music department. The girl walked up to Hyejin confidently and they started talking. Hyejin hadn't noticed the teacher sitting all the way at the other end of the cafe, at the other entrance.

While the smile on Hyejin's face grew bigger, so did the unknown girl's. Wheein looked down at the time. Suddenly, it felt as if it was getting too late. She decided to pack her bags.

As she stuffed her marking into the bag, she felt stuffy and upset for no particular reason. Calm down Wheein, she thought, you can't be feeling this way now. She forced herself to look up.

Lo and behold, the girl leaned forward to kiss Hyejin. Hyejin did not move or push her away, instead, stood still and let the girl kiss her.

Crash! Dropping the pencil case in her hand, Wheein's eyes shivered as she saw the scene before her unfold. Quickly blinking a few times, she hurriedly stuffed her pencil case into the backpack and with a deafening sound, her chair moved and she stood up, running out of the cafe.

Why are you crying? She's not yours Wheein. Stop crying. It was never meant to be. If they like each other, so be it. Don't feel this way over it. You have no rights to her anyways. No rights.

Run, run, run. Right before she pulled on the handle of her white Honda a hand grabbed her and spun her around.

hohoho what's gna happen!
who dat girl👀
also jealous wheein coming up :>>>
what's hyej gna do
sry fr the late update  :333

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