Chapter 2

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Hyejin quickly looked up and gasped. “I-I didn’t, I just, I, it slipped,” but she was cut off by a smile. “It's alright dear.” Hyejin cautiously looked up into her teacher’s bright eyes. Wheein smiled, a twinkle in her eyes. “Why do you want me to be your muse?” “I...I actually get lots of inspiration from you Professor, and since I’m graduating after this year, I really wanted to use you directly as my muse…for the last piece in university.” “No wonder the pieces you made last year always had a familiar feel.” Wheein smiled and nodded her head. “Sure, how will you use me as your muse?” Hyejin smiled mystically and shook her head. “I think I have some ideas, but I won't tell you just yet.” 

She paused for a moment and reached for a flyer lying on the nearby table. “But there is something I would like to ask of you. Professor, can you partner me for this competition?” Wheein’s expression relaxed as she read through the flyer. “I see, partnered work. why don’t you ask your classmates?” she looked up, only to notice how red her student had become. “ friends are mostly in music and other subjects, I don’t have close friends in art class…” Wheein smirked inwardly. She obviously knew that Hyejin was close to some of the other girls in class, but chose not to expose her. She shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, I’ll join it with you. We fit in the age category anyways.” Hyejin’s face lit up instantly. “Really! Thank you so much!” for a moment, she seemed to have lost herself as she threw her arms around the art teacher. Shocked for a moment, Wheein smiled as she regained herself and patted the younger girl’s back. “Are you that happy?” she asked softly. Hyejin froze and quickly got off her teacher. “Yes, yes I am. I am extra happy.” she blushed and smiled, avoiding eye contact altogether. Her heart pounded as she thought over her actions. 

The two then spent the next few hours together, registering for the competition and brainstorming ideas for their work. 

“I didn’t know you were 31 Professor, I thought you’d be younger.” Hyejin laughed as she munched on her food. Wheein just rolled her eyes. “How much younger could I be? I’m your teacher, don’t forget that.” she couldn’t have been sure whether Hyejin’s face really fell for a split moment there. When she looked again, the usually quiet girl was already smiling back at her. This student, she thought, really acts differently around people she’s getting close with. 

It wasn't until evening that Wheein left for her other plans. The whole day, they had spent time together and Hyejin got to see sides of her usually strict teacher that she had never seen before. That night, over the phone, she told her two closest friends about the exciting day she had. It was no secret to them that their youngest friend had a crush on their teacher. 

“Yongsun, Byulyi unnie! Can you believe we actually spent 8 hours straight together?” the two on the other end rolled their eyes at the squealing friend. “That’s like, the nth time you repeated that Hyejin-ah.” Yongsun grumbled. “Hey, don’t act like you weren’t squealing to me like that when you and Byulyi had your first date ok.” Hyejin retorted. It shut her friend up quite well and Byulyi’s loud laughter was heard through the phone. 

The competition work was only due in a month. Wheein and Hyejin surprisingly had great chemistry together and work proceeded smoothly. Wheein was busy and didn’t have time to go to the studio the next weekend, so during the following weekend, when Wheein visited Hyejin’s studio again, the outline to their work was already drawn out beautifully of paper and painted on canvas. 

“Woah, good progress you’ve made there, Hyejin.” Wheein complimented as she looked over at the canvas. Hyejin smiled sheepishly. 

“It’s nothing. I just did what we discussed.”

Wheein sat herself down beside Hyejin after putting on her apron. She looked to the side as she tied up her hair into a messy bun. The girl next to her stared hungrily at her side profile, eyes full of hearts. How could someone be this beautiful? 

Wheein looked back and laughed at Hyejin as she caught sight of her reddened face. “Hey, don’t be so shy. I’m here as your work partner today, not your teacher.” Hyejin smiled sadly at the statement. I don’t want you to be either, she thought to herself quietly. 

They then started to paint, only conversing when needed. Wheein had always been the type to focus absolutely only on her work when she was “art-ing”. She always poured her heart and soul into them, hence her artworks are pretty famous for being emotionally triggering. 

After about two hours of intense work in the studio, Hyejin’s stomach started grumbling in protest and Wheein laughed in response. She finished up her last brush and turned to the student. 


Hyejin nodded slowly, an embarrassed smile spreading across her face. “Can we eat? We’ve been here since morning.” 

The brunette teacher nodded her head sympathetically, proceeding to stand up. “Order in?” she asked, removing the apron and her bun. As her soft-looking hair cascaded down upon her shoulders in what seemed like slow motion to Hyejin, Hyejin could not answer as she was too stunned. “Earth to Hyejin?” Wheein chuckles, seeing how Hyejin was staring at her with a blank look on her face. “You must be extremely hungry. I guess I’ll just cook.”

Hyejin shook herself out of her daze as soon as she heard those words. “You can cook too?” 

“Of course, I live alone.” Wheein replied coolly, walking out the studio. “Do you have any ingredients?”

“Wait, are you really cooking? For me?” Hyejin couldn’t believe what she was hearing-or seeing-as Wheein opened the refrigerator door. 

“Yes. Yes I am. It’s okay with you right?” Wheein stopped midway. Hyejin could not contain the excitement within her and burst into a grin. “Yes of course, it’s totally fine for me. Why wouldn’t it be fine when it’s my favourite teacher?” 

Wheein’s brows lifted for a moment and she laughed. “You like me that much?” Hyejin then recalled what she said and laughed sheepishly. “Uhh...yeah…hahahaha.” Wheein couldn’t help but laugh along. 

That night, with the little ingredients found in Hyejin’s kitchen, Wheein made a delicious pot of kimchi fried rice for the both of them. Enjoying their lunch silently, Hyejin marvelled at her teacher’s cooking. How could someone be so perfect? She thought again. 

As Hyejin washed the dishes, Wheein stood beside her and watched. “Do you have anything on later in the day?” Hyejin queried, breaking the silence. Wheein shook her head slightly. “How about you?” Hyejin shook her head too. “Maybe a video call with Yongsun and Byulyi unnie. But it’ll probably be late at night.”

“I see…are they dating?” Wheein questioned out of the blue, startling the younger girl.

chapter 2!! it's still kinda going well for now :DD
i wonder what'll happen next chapter🤔🤫🧐 hehehe

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