Chapter 6

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(Picture is of Kayden)

•Kayden's POV•

"I swear I wish I could tell you what's going on, please don't be mad at me."
"I gotta go, I'll talk to you later Kayden. Where are you?"
"Apparently in Omaha."
"I used to live there."
"Really? Some girl name Paige knew you."
"Don't be friends with her! She's bad news I promise." It can't be the same Paige there's no way.
"I love you Maddy."
"Bye Kayden." She hangs up on me and I smile at Emma.
"You ready to finish this project?"
"Let's do this later, you're obviously not up for this."
"What? I'm fine."
"No," she runs a finger along my face and touches the scar on my face. "Does it hurt?"
"No." She studies it and finally speaks, after a long pause.
"How did you get this?"
"I, I got hit with a door when I was younger."
"What's the real reason you have that scar?"
"I can't tell you." I sit on the floor and put my head in my hands. "I'm not supposed to."
"Says who? What happens if you do?"
"Then tell me."
"You're just not going to give up are you?"
"Kayden." I lift my head and look at her.
"You're changing the subject."
"Sorry." I touch the scar and look at her. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone."
"I got ran over by a bike." She starts laughing at me and I fold my arms. "Was it that bad?"
"It was an," she sits on my lap facing me and I gulp, "okay attempt. Now are we going to finish our project, or not?"
"Yes or no?"
"Good." She starts kissing me and our lips move in sync. She finally pulls away, "Dang, you're a good kisser Kayden."
"Thanks," I say breathlessly. She kisses me again but I pull away. "Maybe we should finish our project."
"Dinner!" Her mom yells up the stairs and I stand up, almost knocking her on the floor.
We walk down to the dinner table and sit. "Are you two dating?" He father stares at me.
"No sir, I just happened to sit next to her in Chemistry on day."
"Oh, well you seem like you would be a good boy for my little girl."
"Dad! He has a girlfriend." Funny she wasn't saying that earlier when she was eating my face.
"Didn't you just move her?"
"Yes sir, but my girlfriend is from my hometown."
"You really like this girl, yes?"
"Yes, sir."
"Dad can we please stop talking about his relationship, I think you're making him uncomfortable." I don't think it was me who was getting uncomfortable.
"You got a job?"
"No sir. I plan to finish my schooling, hopefully earning scholarships to help me into college, so I can get a better job." I would never be able to afford college of things stay as they are now, but hopefully I can change that.
"Sounds good son."
"Yes sir, I hope I can accomplish my goals so that I will be able to provide for the family I'll have some day."
"Wow, that shows a lot of character."
I smile and finish my meal standing up and taking my plate to the sink, helping Emma's mom clean everything up. "You don't have to Kayden."
"I want too." I smile and she smiles back at me.
When I finish helping her clean up the kitchen, I head back up to Emma's room and see her sitting on her bed looking at a box full of stuff. "What's that?"
"A memory box," she says without bothering to turn around to look at me.
I sit next to her on the bed, look through the piles of stuff. "Who's this?" I point to s little girl who looks about four in the picture.
"My sister."
"Where is she?"
"College." She rolls her eyes and smiles at me.
I look into her eyes and she stares back at me. "I never realized how pretty your eyes are." I lean in and she kisses me back. Without pulling my lips off of hers, I take the box and set it at the foot of the bed, lauding her down. I break from her and play with her hair.

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