Chapter 24

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•Kayden's POV•

I should've never opened my mouth. Now it's too late. She likes to think if I tell someone it'll help. It won't. It'll just make it worse for me.
And she won't let this go. what does it matter to her if I tell anyone. It's not like she's the one it's happening to. It's really getting annoying. I know she just wants to help, but I can fight my own battles. Including this one.
"Kayden?" I hear a small sound and turn around.
"What?" I answer harshly.
"Baby. I'm sorry." What is she apologizing for?
"Whatever. I just wanna be alone."
"Okay." Emma backs away, silently.
At first I feel bad, but then I get over it.
It's not her problem. What's it matter to her anyways?
I head home and see a cop car pulled on our front lawn.
"What the?" I run towards the house and see my mom and dad in the back of a cop car.
I can't believe Emma. I'll never trust her again.
"What's going on?" I stutter looking at the police officer.
"Are you Kayden Myers?"
"Yes sir. What's this about?"
"We got an abuse call, said they were a very close source of the victim, but called anonymously."
"No, no. I'm not being abused. See? I'm fine!"
"Judging by the large bruise and scar on your face, you're not."
"No! They don't beat me! I promise!"
"Look, I understand you're scared, how old are you?"
"By the time they get out you'll be well over the age of moving out."
"What?" I had never thought of that.
"Yeah. You should go get your things. All though, I have to warn you, there's a large torture device that they were planning to kill you with tonight."
Emma saved my life.
It doesn't matter, I'm never trusting her again.
I nod and walk through the doors, seeing a sight that run a shiver down my spine.
They were planning to kill me tonight.
I quickly grab my three items and walk out.
"Do you have friends or family you could stay with?"
I look over at my parents giving me a death glare from inside the car and I turn around and walk away, but not before flipping them off with both fingers.

I walk to Braeden's house and knock on the door. No answer, great.
I see Emma headed towards me and look frantically for somewhere to hide.
Lucky for me, there's no where.
"Are you running away?" She asks excitedly.
"No, but not thanks to someone I have to live somewhere else because my parents got arrested for abuse!"
"Who told?"
"Don't play stupid with me!"
"I didn't tell! I swear to you Kayden!"
"You're the only one who knew!"
"Not the only one." I hear a familiar voice and turn around.

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