Chapter 14

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^^Saylor's House^^

•Saylor's POV•
The snow is finally melting. My battle wound is almost finally healed. Kayden and Braeden still are at my house and annoy the heck out of me. They gang up on me and pull pranks on me, like when I took a shower one time, then came in and stole my clothes. Or when they take my phone and post pictures on my social medias.
And my parents are getting sick of them, but they're just teenage boys having fun. My dad especially hates when Braeden kisses me and makes sexual jokes.
He really liked Kayden at first, and they used to work out in the yard together and Kayden would help my dad with the broken things around the house, but as Kayden warmed up in our house he let loose and my dad doesn't really like him anymore. Still, everyone favors him over Braeden, but neither of them are really liked.

But today, Braeden went too far as far as my dad is concerned.
We were all at dinner and I was sitting next to Braeden, as usual, I felt a hand traveling up my thigh. At first I jumped, but then moved his fingers from my leg and took a bite of my food.
Soon, I felt his fingers return and I gave him a look. I went back to my food and I felt someone learn in to my side. "I'll take you right here, right now."
I see my dad switch his position in his chair, and I slightly laugh.
I finish my meal and Braden and I have clean up duty.
I wash a dish and feel hands snake around my waist. I turn around, setting the dish in the water. "My dad is gonna hate you."
"So are you, after you won't walk for a week."
My dad clears his throat and I jump away from Braeden. "What was that, son? What did you just tell my daughter?"
"I told her, after I finish her, she's not going to be able to walk for a week." I turn away, so they can't see my embarrassed face.
"You know, you got a lot of nerve talking to my daughter like that."
"I think she's old enough to make her own decisions."
"I think you're a jerk for not letting her make her own decisions. Trying to pressure her."
"If only you knew, how many times I tried to get with her, but she was never ready. I never forced her to do nothing."
"I don't want you seeing my daughter anymore."
"I can do whatever I want, whether you like it or not."
"Saylor, I don't want you to see this boy anymore, do you understand me."
"But Dad!" I argue but he stops me by sticking a finger in the air. "Yes sir."
"Get your things and get out of here."
My eyes widen as I realize what's going on. Dad storms out and I walk up to Braeden, putting my arms on his. "Where are you gonna go?"
"I have no idea."
"I have one, but it's going to be a long shot."

(Later that Evening)

"Rylynn, I need a huge favor from you. And I mean huge."
"Okay, so you know how Braeden and Kayden were living with us? Well Braeden got kicked out and I'm wondering if he could maybe," she finishes my sentence for me.
"Stay with me? No. Absolutely not."
"I'm not staying alone with him, he scares me."
"I'll come stay too, then. And so can Enna and Kayden."
"Thank you so much!"
"You owe me big time."
"Thank you!" I hang up and turn to Braeden. "We're moving in with Rylynn."

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