Chapter 40

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•Saylor's POV•

"Hey Saylor. Having fun?" Isaac walk up to me and I stop staring at Braeden.
"Yep, tons."
"What do you say we leave now, we go back to my place and have some fun, baby girl? How does that sound?" I feel Isaac whisper in my ear.
"I'd actually rather just stay here, if that's okay with you."
"Uh, yeah. That'd be fine too."
"I'm gonna go talk to someone." I pull away from him trying to find Braeden.
I spot him and walk over to him. "Hey Braeden."
"What are you doing here?"
"Never been to one of these things before, I didn't know what it was like. There's always a first time for everything. Where's your hot date?"
"I don't know, I think he said he was gonna get some punch."
"More like gonna get some." He mutters looking away.
"Why are you alone?"
"I don't know if I'm staying long."
"Oh, well I guess that's an acceptable reason."
"Look, I don't want to keep you from Isaac. Go have fun with him."
"It's okay, really. I'm not really into this tonight."
"Yeah, well now I can say I experienced it firsthand."
"I guess you're right. But how come you never came with me, but you're here now?"
"I don't know, I guess I spent my whole time trying to prove to you I was superior to everyone, and never really considered what you wanted. I should've probably asked. Sorry."
"It's fine," I say quietly. "How come we've never had a conversation like this?"
"You never let me."

//An Hour Later//

I laughed as Braeden spoke and I saw Isaac walk over to me. "Hey Saylor, Braeden."
"Hey," I smile at him, "where have you been for so long?"
"I was talking to a few of my friends. Wanna dance?"
"Sure, do you care Braeden?"
"No, go ahead."
Isaac takes my hand and leads me to the floor. "Since when are you friends with Braeden?"
"He's being nicer now. Is someone jealous?"
"No," he says nonchalantly, as we sway back and fourth. "Let's just ditch this place, lets go back to my place."
"Okay." I agree taking his hand, "Let me say bye to Braeden."
We walk over to Braeden and I hug him, "Goodnight, we're leaving."
"Are you sure, they're getting ready to name the homecoming king and queen."
"Can we stay just until they crown the winners?" I ask Isaac.
"Sure." We stand with Braeden and in several minutes the head of student council, Maddy comes to the center of the stage.
"Okay, guys," she begins in her fake voice, "we're about to announce the homecoming queen and king. First off we'll start with the male victor. Braeden James! I knew you were gonna win it!"
He takes the stage being crowned and she moved onto the girl. "Saylor?" I guess she's so disgusted she can't even say my last name.
Although that's okay, I'm the only Saylor at our school.
Everyone stands there staring at me and then it hits me. I won homecoming queen, that's my crown.

"I won." I mutter to myself. It finally sinks in. "I won! I actually won!" I quickly walk up the stairs to the stage and the crown is placed on my head, along with the sash.
"And now for the traditional dance for the King and Queen," Maddy says, sounding so very annoyed.
Braeden places his hand on my hips and I wrap my arms around his neck, placing my head on his shoulder.
"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" He smiles down at me.
I lift my head and smile as him, as we both slowly lean into each other and my lips graze his.
It's not an intimate kiss, it's more of a slow, passionate, kiss.
"Saylor, I'm sorry." He forces a smile and I bring my lips up to his again.
"For everything I did to you. I made your life a mess. And I'm sorry I left you at the beach." He trys to laugh, but it doesn't work.
"It's fine, I'm over it. I prefer to live in the now anyways."
"Ah, what a fine time to live in."
"Yeah, it's easier than living in the past. Our past."
"Can we start over?"
"As Saylor and Braeden? As, Us?"
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"What do you say we go home and watch a movie or something?"
"Yeah, let's go. Let me just tell Isaac I'm leaving."
I tug at Isaac's sleeve and he turns around, "Hm?"
"I'm not feeling good, Braeden's gonna take me home."
"Are you sure?" He doesn't seem to like the idea of me leaving with Braeden, but he doesn't argue or fight against it.
"Yeah, thank you for an amazing time tonight." I hug him and leave the gym.
Braeden and I can barely make it to his truck before his lips attack mine hungrily.
"I don't think we're going to be watching a movie tonight." I laugh getting into his truck as we drive to his house.
"My parents are out of town, the house is ours." I can sense his smirk without even looking over at him.
I know what he's thinking. I'm thinking it too.
After a minute of staring him down I run up the stairs into his room and he follows, trailing closely behind me.
He shuts the door behind him grabbing me and placing his lips on mine. Our lips l
move together in sync as I unbutton his shirt.
"Wait, I need to get something." Braeden stands up quickly running out the door.
After about thirty seconds later he's back with at least five bottles of Whiskey and three bottles of Vodka in a cardboard box.
He hands me one of the bottles of liquor and I drink it non-hesitantly. He does the same and we're quickly both extremely drunk.
I don't remember what happened after that, all that I knew is that tonight was a night I would never be able to forget.
Well at least the part that I was still sober enough to remember.

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