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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

      As soon as I got into the school I saw Arcane sitting down on a bench listening to music
"Hey Bro"
I didn't realize how loud I yelled that everyone was staring at me.
"Good job dumbass"
Apate said tapping my shoulder and walking past me, she winked at Arcane and he had the most disgusted I've ever seen, it was hilarious. I walked over to Arcane and sat down, he looked up at me through his fluffy hair that fell right over his eyes.
"Do you need something?"
He said in a cold tone that kinda threw me off "uhhhh" I laughed "I guess not...I just kinda thought we were friends after meeting last night"
he moved his hair and looked at me in the eyes
"I don't think I've ever had a friend before"
he said taking out his headphones,
"Yea dummy, I'm your friend now"
I said grabbing him into a half hug and laughing. "So are you and that girl dating?"
He asked. He was so forward talking to me this time,
"No, I just met her a few days ago...are you dating anyone?"
he immediately started laughing at me like I was the best comedian he'd ever met.
"Yea as if any guy would wanna date me"
he said still dying of laughter, I stared at him for a few more seconds before replying
"Well I think you're pretty cute"
as soon as I said that he stopped laughing,
"What did you just say?"
He replied in an almost harsh tone.
"I said you're cute, don't make me take it back"
I gave him a slight smirk this time. It's true, he is quite cute. I didn't have a problem saying it out loud because it was the truth. I don't think I'd ever felt this type of way about a guy before but with him I was comfortable. It's the same feeling I get when I'm with Apate, I think we're best friends.

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

     I thought he looked familiar, turns out it was that guy I was with last night. He didn't have to yell so loud this morning, it hurt my ears.
"What weirdo just says out loud to a guy, oh I think you're pretty cute"
I said in an awkward voice, he laughed at me for a quick second making me blush, I think he noticed. "First of all I didn't say I think you're cute, I said you are cute...and second of all did you know when you blush your organs turn red too"
he said that first part in a quieter voice and then gradually got louder. I can't believe this dork, he probably knows a lot of random facts about random things.
  "No, I didn't know that now I do"
I replied and I heard my voice crack. The bell rang almost immediately after I said that
"I guess I'll see you later"
I said getting up but he grabbed my hand
"Why'd you grab my hand"
I said looking down and avoiding eye contact:
"You said I guess I'll see you later, I don't like that, let's change about, you WILL see me and Zuko should come over to my house later, we could all hang out"
When he said that I thought my heart was gonna beat out of my chest. I hate feeling this way, I know it's not gonna go well for either of us. I guess I'll just have to find out.
"Yea...I'll come over"
I sighed and he let go of my hand.

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

     ....I think I just invited a guy over...I'm not all happened so minute he's sitting next to me and the next minute I'm holding his hand. Oh god, what am I gonna do if he shows up! I'm a boring person, there won't be anything to entertain him. Some tall man walked up to me and started talking.
"Hey Mister, you better get to class unless you want to sit in my office"
I looked up and I was hesitant to answer but I did .
"Oh y- yes sir"
I said getting up and walking down an empty hallway to my class. I heard some voices coming from the bathroom but I decided to keep walking until I heard Apate yell at someone
I immediately turned around and ran into the bathroom. That's when I saw Apate pinned against a wall with three big guys surrounding her. One grabbed her by the throat and lifted her while she was kicking at them. She saw me and shook her head.
"God Dammit Vad I got this just leave"
She struggled to let out that many words. That's when the guys looked back and saw me, at least they let go of Apate. Now I was in a pickle.

~𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

This stupid kid just had to walk in the bathroom, I have this handled all by myself. If I'm being honest I'm not even sure how I got myself into this situation, it was complete bull. One minute I'm flirting with a guy and the next minute there's three of them and one of them dares to hold me by the throat. Well, I guess it's time to show off what I can do,
"You can hurt me all you want but don't touch that kid,"
I said in my deepest voice possible so I could get their attention. They wouldn't listen to me no matter how many times I repeated it so I did the next best thing and used my powers.

-I like to cause chaos...what's wrong with that?🤭🤭 also there's a love square coming up 🙂-
~ʙᴜɴɴʏ ᴏᴜᴛ~

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