Only The Begining

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*I made some revisions to the story so don't freak out*

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜~

The day was August 29th, 2016. We were in High School when we first met, we lived right across the street from each other.

It was our first day and we were boarding the busses, that's when I saw her. She looked like a porcelain angel;like she had never gone a day outside. She looked like the picture-perfect alternative-emo girl.

She had blue hair and a striped shirt that clung tightly on her body only in the right places. Her eyes were mostly covered by her hair, but from what I saw that day they looked bloodshot.

I knew right then she was gonna be trouble for me but I was too drawn in by her, I couldn't leave.

That same day a few hours later we officially met. It was my first lunch as a High School student that year. I sat down at a table all by myself in the back, that's when she walked up to me.


she said holding out her hand

"I'm Apate, what's your name?"

She said while sitting down across from me.

"I- it- m-"
I tried to mumble before she cut me off,

"Ahhh Short on words are we"
she let out a giggle

"don't worry you can tell me later, so why are you in this hell hole you look like your 17?"
She questioned me.

"I'm not 17"

I accidentally yelled at her.

"Okay you don't have to get so defensive on me"
she said in a slightly rude tone.

"I apologize, that wasn't how I wanted it to come out, I'm not seventeen and my name is Vad"

I let out with a quick sigh. She chuckled before answering me

"Thanks for the apology, it wasn't needed but thanks"

she paused a minute to get a good look at me before continuing her sentence.

"So, if you aren't old are you?"

She questioned me, looking me deeply in the eyes this time. I felt almost compelled to answer even though I didn't want to.

"I'm 16"
I let out quickly before grabbing my milk and taking a sip,

"How old are you?"

Before she could answer the bell rang and she quickly got up and walked away.

One of my very first interactions with a girl turns out that year would have a lot of first for me.

-Tehe I hope you enjoyed this chapter-
~𝐵𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑂𝑢𝑡~

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