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~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

"No, I said you could do whatever you want"
I never meant to be this direct, but for some reason, that's all I've been recently.
"And all I want is a kiss, and then we can get dressed......and leave"
He said slowly inching closer towards my face. He finally kissed me and then got up shaking his head as walking into the bathroom.
"We'd better go soon"
He said but all I could hear were his thoughts,
"Why do I feel like this right now? I just opened up almost my entire life to a guy who won't even tell me the truth about why do I feel like I can trust him?"
Tch, he was right. I haven't told him the truth since I got here. The closest I've ever gotten was admitting that Apate lied to him. He was right to have concerns. I mean, after all, we've only just met recently and we've almost had sex twice. I don't know how to make it up to him but I have to try.
He came walking out of the bathroom with heavy chains on his pants and he walked over towards his closet to grab a mesh shirt, he walked over towards the mirror he had in the corner of his room and he slipped into his shirt. I could tell that he was staring at me in the mirror as I put my pants on.
"You dress boring"
He said sitting down in the egg chair he had hanging in the middle of the room, I can only assume that he sits there when he games because it's in the perfect position to see the tv.
"Sorry to disappoint but I don't exactly have the emo style that you do, the only thing we probably have in common is black ripped skinny jeans"

"Ahahaha trusts me, you don't disappoint. I kinda find your style...cute"
I'm not entirely sure if that was an insult or a compliment but...I'll go with it.
"Uhhh...thanks I guess?"

"It was meant as a compliment, now if you're done dressing we can leave"
And so we did, he grabbed some keys out of the cabinet and we walked into the garage.
"What are we doing in here?"
I asked walking behind him
"You'll see"
He said walking over to a tarp
"This, this is my baby"
He said grabbing it and snatching the tarp off of it.
"I-it's a motorcycle"
I stood there in awe looking at the red bike.
"Indeed it is"
He grabbed a pair of keys off of the shelf and hit the button on the side of the garage door to open it.
"Oh, don't tell me we're riding that thing"
He laughed at me when I said that and then walked closer to me to whisper in my ear.
"Well of course we are....but don't worry, I can go extra slow for you"
......yea that definitely shouldn't have turned me on the way it did -_-
He slammed a blue helmet in my hand and glared at the yellow one he was left with.
"I'm no expert here but judging by the way you're looking at that helmet I'd think you wanna murder it"
I probably shouldn't have said that because he looked like he could break any bone in my body in an instant. Tch, what the hell am I thinking? I'm a fucking witch, I could kill him right now if I wanted to.
"Whatever, let's just go"
He said wheeling the bike out of the garage, he ran back in to hit the button to close the garage and he managed to slip under the door.
"Put on the helmet 'Cupcake' "
He patted my back and got onto the bike, he stared at the helmet for a little while longer before putting it on his head.
"You get behind me, and you hold on to me VERY you understand?"

"Y-yea I understand"
I got on the bike and held his waist, he started the engine and revved it. He started going slowly and then after he felt me relax he started going a little faster. We came to a stop sign.
"How do you feel"
He asked looking back, before I could answer he zoomed off on the bike scaring me. I accidentally squeezed his waist making him jolt, he slowed down a little bit relaxing into the tight hold I had on him.

After what felt like forever on that horrendous bike, we finally arrived at the beach.

*tsk tsk tsk, this chapter is short...welp*

~ℬ𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 ℴ𝓊𝓉~

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