I can't live without you

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*start the song at the second Vads POV please*

* It's now been nine months since Arcanes official disappearance*

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

I lied.

I lied when I said I was sleeping fine. I'm not sleeping at all. I can't sleep. I was just hoping that if somehow by magic you'd see that letter Arc. I was hoping that you'd see that letter and you'd come back to me now.

I was hoping that you'd see that I was moving on without you and you'd come back and convince me that you're all I need.

"Yo Vad, let's go first Period is starting now"

Apate yelled across the hallway running towards me.

"H-hey, what's wrong?"

She asked grabbing my shoulder stopping me in my tracks.

I can't look at her. How am I supposed to look at her and tell her I'm fine. She knows me better than I know myself. I can't lie to her. I'm too weak to continue right now.

"I-I-I'm f-f-fffff"



~𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕆𝕍~

I carried him to the nurses' office, turns out he hasn't been sleeping.

"Why do you torture yourself for someone who isn't coming back any time soon?"

I caressed his face and planted a small kiss on his nose. He started crying in his sleep.

I feel bad knowing that you were hurt because of someone who doesn't deserve your love. You're better than him. You don't even know the real him. I'm sure that he hasn't told you the stories of when we were smaller.

He tricked men, and women to fall in love with him, and then he'd kill them. He always talked about how Cozen tortured his "pets" but Arc...he was the worst of them all.

He'd trick you into falling in love with him and then, he'd lure you to a cave and he'd put a spell on you and then you sit there in pain as he did whatever he pleased to your body.

The sad thing was that he was so young and he was morphing himself. He was more powerful than me because of Daddy.

And now because you tortured those weaker than you, I'm forcing you to feel just a small sliver of what they felt. By that time, if you ever come back, he won't recognize you anymore. After that, I can rest happy.

"Vad, hey wake up. It's time to go"

I said shaking his body.

"Please don't make me leave him, I need him"

I have no idea what he's thinking about but it needs to stop.

"Wake up now"

I said shaking him harder this time.



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