My home

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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

I got home and saw Arcane sleeping on my bed. "Tch, cute"
I walked into the bathroom to get changed and go to bed, whew I'm so glad it's the weekend now.

*In the morning*

I woke up at about twelve and saw that Arcane had already left, I walked downstairs and made some breakfast. Pancakes sounded nice.
After I was done cooking I grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat down on the small couch, I turned the tv on to watch the baseball game. Not too long after that Ananke came out of her room and sat down on the other couch. She looked at me
"Did you get the newspaper yet?"
she asked,
"No, I didn't"
I replied. She got up
"I'm taking the dog to the dog park and getting the paper, I'll be gone for 15 maybe 20 minutes"
She and Atka went outside and I heard her talking to someone. I cleaned off my plate and put it in the dishwasher. The door opened and Zuko walked in with a box,
"Hey bro can you help up unload our things?"
he put the box down on the bar.
"Yea, sure"
I replied and followed him outside, they had a huge moving truck with barely anything in it. Arcane was asleep in the front seat of the truck, how could someone sleep so pretty?
I and Zuko tackled all the big boxes, those were just house decorations and whatnot.
"Uhhh can you wake Arcane up and tell him to get all his shit"
Zuko said, my guess is he's still mad at him for what happened. From what I remember it wasn't that bad but I think I missed something. I walked to the truck and opened the door, the sun was going down but it was hitting his skin perfectly. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder and stood there for a second before he responded, he looked at me and smiled a really pretty smile.
he sounded sleepy, I felt bad for waking him up.
"Hi bubs, Zuko said we need to grab your stuff and bring it inside either in my room or one of the other rooms, I mean not to brag or anything but my room has a tv"
I laughed the last part out as a joke but I did want him to stay in my room with me.
"Can you help me up please?"
how could I say no to that face when he asked so sweetly! I held his hand while he jumped down, I also brought him a bottle of water so he could fully wake up.
"Okay so, where do you want to put all of this stuff at?"
I asked one last time just to make sure before I put things down in the wrong room.
"Most of it in your room probably, and whatever else I don't use probably in the other like my bed and my dresser in your room and pretty much everything else can go in another room"
he explained everything in a sweet, soft voice.
I hope we're strong enough for this.

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

      All I remember is sitting in that stupid truck listening to Zuko talk about how disappointed he is with me, then I guess I passed out. I'm glad that the first face I saw when I woke up was Vad but I knew we had to get everything out and bring it upstairs. We put my bed and dresser in his room and choose a room for me to eventually stay in.
"That's the last of what goes in here"
Vad brought in two more boxes and set them down on his bed.
"Thanks for helping me"
I said walking over and grabbing one of the boxes and opening it.
"Oh god"
it was a box full of my stuffed animals, I opened the second box.
I slowly whispered to myself,
"Ahh fuck"
Vad asked walking over towards me, he looked in the boxes and looked back at me,
"Oh how cute"
he said sitting down on his bed,
"Where are you gonna put them all?"
He asked.
"Ummm maybe under my bed, I don't know it's kinda embarrassing"
I had a slight chuckle when I said that. Vad shook his head and got up,
"It shouldn't be embarrassing, it's cute"
he grabbed my face and held it in his hands. Wow, I guess I never realized how tall he was until now. I hugged him, mostly because I wanted one but also because he was right there and I wanted to touch him.
After a long, very much needed hug we cleaned up the room a bit and started talking.
"Look, there's something I have to tell you"
I said avoiding eye contact.
" can tell me anything"
he reached out towards my hand and held it.
"I can't quite tell you everything right now but I can start with a few things"
I wanted to keep a little bit of distance between us just in case he needed to get up while I was talking. "So, I don't know if you trust or like Apate"
he cut me off mid-sentence,
"If this is something about the picture or how y'all know each other, I already know both of you are lying"
he sighed
he bit his lip and sat there looking at me.
"Yes, Apate and I were lying, we know each other through a mutual friend group"
I sighed before continuing my sentence
"Her family disowned her and she was couch hopping, we took her in and it all went downhill from there"
I was trying to avoid eye contact as much as I could but I could still feel him staring at me.
  "Is that all?"
He asked rubbing my hand.
"For now, the less you know the better"
I got up and walked over towards my bed grabbing a blanket,
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

How was I ever supposed to say no to those puppy dog eyes?
"Well of course you can"
he smiled the dorkiest smile I'd ever seen and walked back over towards my bed, he slowly wiggled into my arms falling asleep.

~𝚅𝚊𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝕒𝕞 𝕊𝕥𝚊𝚝𝚎~

"What the hell are you gonna do? Kill me? I've never been scared of your kind. You just hide behind big fangs and magic that isn't even yours"

-" How would you know if our magic was fake or not? Unless you're boning our damn leader you shouldn't know that"

"I don't need to fuck someone to have information about you, I have my sources"

-"HA yea SOURCES OF BEING A SLUT, you are going to hell, you and that cursed daughter of yours are going to rot"


-"Oh mark my words, when she's old enough to cause chaos she will, if I were you I'd hide her powers from her as long as I could"

~𝚅𝚊𝚛𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝚝𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℯ𝓃𝒹~

-Yeaaaaaa.....anyways chile-

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