Another Day, Another Breath

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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

      I woke up to the burning sound of my alarm clock, not a great way to start my morning. I looked over and saw that the time was 7:30


I yelled not even paying attention to the fact that Arcane was laying right next to me on the bed. I jumped up and threw on clothes, I could care less if they were clean or not. I ran out of the house as fast as I could,barely catching the bus. As soon as I walked on I saw Apate looking out of the window. Her pale skin was almost glowing when the sun hit it. I walked down the aisle and sat down next to her and let out a sigh.

"well well well look what the cat dragged in"

She said not even looking at me.

"what do you mean?"

I asked looking at her blue hair since it was the only thing facing me.

"You're wearing last night's clothes and you weren't waiting outside for thirty minutes like you usually are"

She glanced and me and then looked back at the window and continued to ignore my presence. "

"You're kinda rude"

she looked at me like I just stabbed her in the heart.

"Oh is that what you think"

she laughed before squeezing my face in her hands with her sharp nails.

"If you think I'm being rude to you maybe you need a reality check because baby, I'm just telling you the truth"

she left marks on my face from her nails.

"If you wanted to call me daddy you could've just said so"

I said laughing and wiping my face, I could feel the tiny trickle of blood falling down my cheek. She stared me in the eyes, that's when she scared me the most, when she looked dead, no life in her.

I think that was the first time I realized that her eyes weren't normal, they were almost a purple color. She turned away and started laughing at me, the most contagious laughter I've ever heard out of anyone. I started laughing too, just for a second, we got along. The laughter died down and we looked at each other

"You might not be as boring as I thought Vad".

That was it, that was the moment I knew I crossed a line and I couldn't go back.

"Yea I get less boring the more you hang out with me, you just gotta get to know me first Apate"

~𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

I knew from the second I saw this kid that it wasn't gonna turn out good for either of us, I mean look at us! We're literal opposites, I guess that's why they say opposites attract.

"So I guess we're friends now dork"

I said looking vacantly out of my window

"Yea"he chuckled ,"Dork"

I looked back at him for a second.

"Get up,"

I said grabbing my things.

"Wha- Why?"

He asked looking at me like a lost puppy,

"We're at the school"

jeez Why did that come out so harsh.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude, that's just how it came out"

He wasn't looking at me this time but he chuckled before answering

"The apology wasn't needed but it's appreciated"

He matched the cold tone I had before, he looked up at me with a smirk and left. Wow, I think that's the first time anyone has ever been that cold with me, I like it.

-Apate has short povs for now only because we aren't supposed to know what she's thinking entirely yet, shhhhhh 🤭🤭! Also, peep that Apates POV start is in a different font🤭🤭 -
~ʙᴜɴɴʏ ᴏᴜᴛ~

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