Year number three....we're here

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*This is 6 months after Apate came back, they've lived together for 3 years in total now and Arcane has been Officially gone for four years and two months*

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

In the six months that Apates has been back, we've gotten worse.

We can't look at each other anymore. The second she takes a glance at me she has the desire to kill me.
She can't take a look at Varcane, she's said thousands of times that if she had the chance she'd burn him on a stake.

She's nothing like the Apate I remember from three years ago.

She's different, I'm different.
I just can't shake the feeling that this isn't how our futures were supposed to go. This stabbing pain in my heart has only been getting stronger. I've noticed now that it only happens under certain circumstances. For example, if I'm making a bitter coffee I feel pain. If I get a cold and decide to take a bath, pain.

Sometimes it isn't just the pain. Sometimes there's a glimpse of a boy. He looks familiar, almost like the older version of Varcane.

If I take the time to endure the pain for a little longer I see memories. The memories show the boy at the beach messing around with another guy. I can never see the guy's face, he's blurry, it's kind of like a hazed memory. I can also visually see them talking but I can hardly ever hear them. If I get too close to the memory it all turns into a white space. Then it's just me and the boy.

He says the same thing every time.


And then I get snapped back into reality. I never get to ask the boy questions.

"I need to see you again"

I whispered to myself while drawing a bath. I got into the bath with my clothes on.

"This time I'll get my answer"
I said while plunging myself underwater.

"Help me PLEASEEE"
Said the boy.


I asked him.

"Ask her for my letter"

He stretched his hand out towards me. I felt compelled to take his hand in mine and comfort him. The second I touched him he disappeared. Then I was awake again.

The problem here is that I don't know who he's talking about. I NEED to see him again. I shoved my head underwater again. I didn't see him. I waited. I stayed longer and longer but I never saw him. I slowly felt myself falling out of consciousness.
I felt nothing, I was numb.

~𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

The baby. The baby is crying. It's been's been crying for too long. Where is Vad?

I got up and walked into the nursery, the baby had been crying for at least thirty minutes. I gave the child a fresh diaper and a bottle. Now I just need to look for Vad.

I looked everywhere, the training room was empty, the kitchen was empty, even the bedroom.

I walked into the bathroom and saw Vad under the water in the bathtub. I instantly ran over to him and yanked him out of the tub. I started doing chest compressions and giving him mouth to mouth. After about a minute he started spitting up water and gasping for air. As soon as he was fully conscious I slapped him.

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