Our First Date

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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚟~

We finally arrived at the beach.
"God he has a tight grip"
I thought.
We sat on the bike for a few more minutes before getting off, I felt his heartbeat racing as he was still holding onto me. I don't think he realized that we stopped.
"Hey Bubs, we're here"
I said taking off my helmet and putting it on my handlebar.
"O-oh yea"
He said taking his helmet off and handing it to me. I got up off the bike and stretched my legs for a second before extending my hand out towards him, he hesitantly grabbed it and stood up shyly walking towards me with his head down. I'm not entirely sure why he's so scared now, he wasn't acting like this yesterday or earlier today.
"Are you okay?"
I asked him as he was scratching the back of his neck.
"Y-yea I'm a-a-alright, I j-just have a bit of.....ah never m-mind it's not I-I-important"
He replied. He was still looking down at the street.
We started walking down towards the coffee shop on the corner of the town called "𝐴 𝐶𝑢𝑝 𝑂𝑓 𝐽𝑜𝑦''.  We walked into the shop, he was sheepishly following my every step and I found it somewhat amusing...I mostly found it cute. He was like a golden retriever boyfriend. Wait....d-did I just s-say...Boyfriend? Oh god, we aren't even dating...why am I thinking of him like this? We're just friends who casually make out from time to time...no big deal...right?

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 𝕆𝕍~

      I hate the fact that I'm acting like this. It's annoying. Vad seems to find it cute, I mean, after all, he just referred to me as a golden retriever boyfriend in his mind. I should stop reading his thoughts, it's kinda intrusive of me.
"D-do you want anything to drink?"
He asked me in a nice tone, he sounded nothing like he did at the house. But then again at the house, we were....a little bit more intense with each other.
"N-no t-t-thank you"

"O-okay, can I get one Large 24/7 please"

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY AM I STUTTERING! I hate that shit. also, WHY AM I SO DAMN NERVOUS?? My palms are sweating, my anxiety is too high to be anywhere outside of the house right now. There's a lot of people walking around right now, I feel like they're all watching me, every single one of them is looking at me and judging me. I just want to be held right now. This is all too much for me. HA, a witch with crippling anxiety and depression...who woulda thought.
Vad looked back and me and saw me shaking, he pulled me closer towards him and held my hand in his.
"This IS okay, right?"
He asked looking at me rubbing my hand with his thumb. He could sense that I wasn't feeling well, I couldn't complain either. After all, I wanted someone to hold me and tell me it was alright.
"Y-y-yea it's o-okay"
I replied stuttering, I feel like a giant baby right now.
He held me a little bit closer than before as we waited for his coffee. It didn't seem like he cared if other people were watching or not, and his touch calmed me down so I no longer cared either.

"Here's your coffee sir"
Said the girl behind the counter, she has a red tint in her eyes and bright blue hair. She was wearing a hat with a small cup on it with a heart in the middle, her hair was wrapped up in a ponytail and even then it reached down to her butt.
"Ahh yes thank you, Miss......"
Vad trailed that sentence off looking for a name.
"Oh my, I'm sorry I just realized I'm not wearing my name tag haha...sorry about that my name is Mortala"
She replied looking at the floor with a slight blush, I'm not sure what she was thinking.
"Haha it's okay, anyway...thanks Mortala"
As odd as it sounds, that girl looked oddly familiar...maybe I've seen her out in public somewhere.
We started walking out of the coffee shop,
"Hey uhhhhh....can we go sit and talk for a little bit"
I'm not sure what he could want to talk about but I'm sure that whatever it is it'll most likely be boring.
"Uhhh sure"
We walked the pathway next to the shop that led to a small porch with tables, we walked to a further table, away from most of the people. He pulled out a chair for me at the table and then walked to the other side. He gestured to the chair for me to sit down.
"First off, I would like to start with an I'm sorry-"
I cut him off mid-sentence,
"S-sorry for what?"
I looked at him with a wide-eyed expression.
"Heh, so earlier at the house....when we were y-"

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