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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

      I could tell they were hiding something from me, the people and the picture and the dialogue with Zuko just didn't add up. I couldn't care less about what they were hiding at that moment because all I wanted to focus on was Arcane.
      "Can I kiss you"
I can't believe I just asked him that, I wanted to be more subtle about it but that's not what happened. It's almost like he had to prepare himself to say yes, I didn't want to kiss him if he didn't want me to. I mean, I wanted to kiss him so badly at that moment but only if that's what he wanted. It wouldn't be fair of me to kiss him without consent.
"Yea...I wanna kiss you"
he said in the most gentle voice I'd ever heard, and so I went in for the kiss. His lips were so soft I couldn't help but put my other hand on his face, after a few seconds I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to stop kissing him and from what it felt like, I don't think he wanted to stop kissing me. We sat there kissing for what felt like forever before things escalated, the next thing I knew Arcane was on top of me. Our breathing was ragged and the room around me started getting hot.

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

From the moment he started kissing me I knew that I didn't want to stop. We sat there on the bed kissing for at least a minute and a half before I wanted more. We slowly started moving until he was on his back and I was on top of him. I didn't know if he wanted this as much as I wanted this but he wasn't saying no. I started unbuttoning my shirt and taking it off, that's when he sat up with me on his lap. He slowly started taking off his shirt too, we threw our tops on the floor and continued.

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

We were going at it, I didn't know if we were going too fast but kissing him was nice. His body against mine felt right, I didn't want this to be over. He started taking off his belt and unbuttoning his, I panicked. I don't think I'm ready to go that far but I also don't want this to end yet. He started to trail his kisses down my neck and he grabbed my pants, I wanted them but I'm not ready.
"A- Arcane-"
I barely had enough breath to say that,
"Yes Vad," he said with his hands at the buttons of my pants,
"I- I don't t- think I'm ready to d- do this right n- now"
holy shit that was so hard to say that, I barely had enough air to breathe let alone talk. That's when he stopped with my pants and brushed my hair out of my face,
"Well...if you aren't comfortable doing that with me then we won't do it"
he smiled at me when he said that. It calmed my nerves hearing him say that,
"It's not that I'm not comfortable I just...I don't think I'm ready to go that far"
he laughed at me when I said that.
"Well you asked if you could kiss me, so now I'll ask you if you're ready before we do anything else"
he brushed my hair out of my face while he was talking. He was still sitting on my lap and I was afraid he might feel something else. He was surprisingly lighter than I thought he gonna be, also not to mention HE WAS HOT.
I heard something talking and walking up the stairs, "GET UP NOW SOMEONES COMING"
I don't think I've ever whisper yelled that good before, Arcane immediately jumped up and grabbed his shirt, and ran to the bathroom. I snatched my shirt up from the floor and put it on as quickly as I could.
       "Yo Vad"
my sister said slamming the door open, she scanned the room for Arcane
"Where's Arcane at?"
She asked walking in and sitting on my bed.
"Oh he's in the bathroom"
I tried to keep cool as I said that, I could feel my face burning.
"Okay well when he gets out y'all come downstairs, me and Zuko have to talk you guys"
she had her parenting voice on, boring. Whatever she had to tell us wasn't gonna be a good thing. Arcane came out of the bathroom as soon as she left "My anxiety was through the roof"
he was leaning on the door frame taking to me.
"Well I guess we should go downstairs now"
I said standing up and fixing my shirt.
"Ah but one last thing before we leave"
he said walking toward me, he grabbed my face and left a small kiss on my lips. It wasn't fair that he made me blush this time, although it was nice seeing him act bravely.
We walked downstairs and saw Ananke and Zuko sitting on the couch whispering to each other. Ananke cleared her throat before talking
"So as you know, I and Zuko are dating"
she paused mid-sentence and looked at Zuko who immediately stood up when she said his name.
"We have decided that...we should move in together" she stood there and looked for my reaction, she wasn't gonna get one because I don't have a problem with it.
"Since Arcane lives with me, he will also be moving in"
Zuko took a breath before finishing his sentence "And I wanted to do this in front of everyone to make sure you all were okay with it"
he was staring at me when he said that, he got down on one knee and waited for my nod of approval which of course I gave.
"Ananke I've loved you ever since I first met you, you mean the world to me...will you marry me?"
I and Arcane looked at each other smiling, not only because there was a cheesy proposal going on in front of us but also because we now lived together. Of course, my sister accepted his proposal, as far as my knowledge they've only cheated on each other twice. The whole thing was a big misunderstanding and it all turned out fine in the end.
"So Arcane and I will be staying the night and moving in this week... I and Ananke thought that it might be best if Arcane stays in your room with you until he's comfortable enough with another room in the house"
Zuko said that last part staring me in the eyes, I could tell he was waiting for me to immediately turn his idea down but I didn't.
"Yea that's cool, we're friends"
I said looking at Arcane.
"Okay well now that that's all settled you too can go now"
Ananke only said that so she and Zuko could smash on the couch like they normally do, she avoided eye contact with me and everything.

Wow, what an eventful week, I almost forgot that Apate told me to meet her at the park. I guess I'll have to sneak out of my window tonight.

-I'm not meant for the seggsy chapters 😭😭-
~ʙᴜɴɴʏ ᴏᴜᴛ~

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