The Park was kinda dark ngl

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~𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

I didn't think this nerd was gonna show up after a while, I was sitting here for nearly two hours. That's when I saw him running towards me,
"Oh thank god you're still here"
he said out of breath.
"Yea asshole, I was actually about to leave but I saw you running"
I said scooting over on the bench, he sat down next to me and took a few deep breathes before saying something.
"So you and Arcane seem to know each pretty well" he grabbed what looked like a vape out of his pocket and put it in his mouth,
"Y'all seem to have known each other a lot longer than you guys are letting on"
he said looking me up and down.
I let out a large sigh and grabbed a cigarette out of my pocket,
"Arcane and I are friends, we've known each other since we were little...that's all"
I have to keep him in the dark for as long as I can, there's no way he can have a relationship with Arc if I tell him the truth right's just not the right time.
"So be it, you guys are friends, I believe y'all"
he laid back on the table,
"the moon is so beautiful tonight"
he looked at me and smiled.
He might be Arcanes man but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun right?

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

        This whole charade they're playing is bullshit, I'll figure it out sooner or later. They're more than friends, they look too similar...and that picture Arcane showed me before definitely meant something. I laid back on the table and took a deep breath, whatever she invited me here for wasn't gonna be innocent.

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

I decided to take a shower, I mean why not take advantage of my new home. I'm not exactly happy that I had to move here but I'm also not upset. I get to spend more time with Vad but it might be too much time. I don't want him finding anything out about me before I get the chance to tell him. I'm not sure how he feels about me but I think I like him. Shit. Saying that out loud makes me nervous. Whatever this is going on between us can't exist on just lies, I have to start telling him the truth. Not only are we involved with each other, we now live together. The more time he spends with Apate alone the harder it will be to convince him I'm right and she's wrong.
I'm just glad that Vad stopped me before I took things too far, I didn't want him to lust for me yet, if I made him my territory this early there's no telling what he'd do. It's hard to have boundaries when you are a touch-starved guy.
Ugh! I need to stop thinking about him, I need a cold shower now dammit.
After what felt like an eternity in that shower I got out expecting to see Vad sitting on the bed but all I saw was an empty room with an open window, I immediately assumed that he was with Apate. Who knows, being with her this late could mean bad trouble. I immediately ran out of the window and started running down the empty street, all the lights were off and if there was a better time to kidnap someone now would be the time. I ran for a mile and a half trying to find them. I saw two figures sitting on a bench so I stopped and hid behind a tree.

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

         We sat there for a good minute before she started talking again.
" and Arc seem to be getting along pretty well"
she looked down at me and made a face.
"What do you mean?"
I didn't want to answer her question without knowing what her intentions were.
"You know he's gay right?"
Wow...she just went for it that time.
"I kinda figured, we had a conversation the other day and it kinda came up"
I said looking at the bright moon.
"Good...I don't want him getting hurt again"
she said laying down next to me. I didn't want to pry her for an answer about what she was talking about. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad.
"What's your favorite color"
I asked her out of boredom,
"probably purple, it's pretty"
she said looking at me.
"Purple means you're compassionate, understanding, and supportive"
I looked back up at the moon. I kept asking her questions out of boredom until we were both too tired to talk. All of her answers were all over the place, not one of them lined up with one another. On the bright side, we know each other better now.
Maybe she'll start to trust me more to tell me things.

* I like leaving little hints around until you guys notice them, it's fun*
~ʙᴜɴɴʏ ᴏᴜᴛ~

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