I dont remember

14 0 4

*this pic has absolutely nothing to do with the story but like...I have a thing with cool looking skeletons*

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

How was her voice that deep? That's the last thing I remember before passing out. I heard some faint voices, one of them sounded like Apate and the other sounded like Arcane. All I heard was
which sounded like Arcane, and Apate replying
"oh please you're the one who likes him"
I didn't get to eavesdrop long before Arcane was sitting in a chair next to me holding my hand.
"Hey buddy, how are you doing"
I barely had enough strength to open my eyes let alone speak, I let out a few low noises before I was interrupted
"He can't talk Arc"
Apate said in a very harsh tone,
"Oh shut up"
he replied. I opened my eyes and looked at Arcane, he looked worried but I couldn't exactly remember why. I barely mumbled a few words
"What happened to me"
I wasn't sure if they heard me or not but Apate replied quickly,
"You got in a fight with some big guys for me"
I do remember the big guys but the last thing I remember is one of them on top of me about to punch me in the face.
"Yea they beat you to a pulp"
Arcane said with a slight laugh, Apate pulled a box of cigarettes out of her pocket and lit one. She put it in her mouth and sighed,
"Honestly if you didn't walk into the bathroom when you did I probably would've been hurt badly"
she said pulling a chair up next to my bed. That's when I got a good look at them both in the same room, they both had pale skin and weird colored eyes. Arcane had a fresh bruise on his cheek that I hadn't noticed before. I let out a slow grumble when I tried to speak again
"So do you to know each other"
I said struggling to sit up. Arcane saw me and helped,
"Well actually we met a while ago at a party"
Apate said fidgeting with her hands.  Arcane sat down next to me and pulled a picture out of his pocket, it looked like him and Apate but older, wayyyy older.
"That person on the left is my older brother Mark and the person to the right is Apates sister Michelle"
he said pointing at the picture.
"In the middle is just a bunch of random people," he said scooting closer to me.
      My sister and Zuko walked into the room with pissed expressions on their faces. I think that was the first time I ever heard Zuko yell,
"What the hell were you doing Arcane, you can't just punch a few guys and expect there not to be a problem. I told your mother you wouldn't get kicked out of this school if you stayed with me"
Arcane stood up and walked closer to Zuko
"I punched that jerk because he was harassing Apate and he hit Vad"
he had a harsher tone talking to Zuko, if he was shy before he wasn't anymore. Seeing him get so defensive was hot, I can't even lie he looked like he would burn down a city at that moment. That's when Apate got up and tapped his shoulder
"Leave it alone Arc, I could've handled it by myself and you know that"
Zuko looked at her and shook his head,
"Every time you get in trouble it always involves her, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE HER BEHIND LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID"
I can't believe Zuko would say something like that. "You know why I can't leave her behind"
Arcane said as he let out a scoff and sat back down on my bed with me.
"That's my cue to head out," Apate said, "I'll see you guys tomorrow"
she said waving.
"This is the first time I've ever gotten a call from a school. I'm proud of you Vad...just next time you're in a fight, win it"
she said laughing
"You're ruining my name by losing"
she said leaving the room.

       ~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

              Lying to him wasn't easy. I was afraid he might see through my b.s at any moment but he didn't. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he said something,
"so....you came over"
he said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too, it may not have been the best circumstances but we were together.
"Yea, I'm here"
I could barely say that without laughing. He looked at me with a serious look,
I said scratching my head.
"Nothing, I was just admiring how cute you look"
he said to me. I was blushing so much right now and he could tell. He gave me a devilish smirk and grabbed my hand
"We should compare hand sizes"
I can't believe I just said that, that's the most childish thing I could say! He laughed at me and cupped my face with his other hand,
"Can I kiss you?"
He JuSt AsKeD iF hE cOuLd KiSs Me!!! Oh my gawwwddddd! I was blushing so much. I had to take a deep breath before shaking my head yes.

-This chapter gives me anxiety-
~ʙᴜɴɴʏ ᴏᴜᴛ~

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