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*sigh* so I guess the time has finally come where I have to do this......*pain*

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ✨𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪✨~

     For as long as I can remember, I've served under someone. Whether it was in our coven or when I finally escaped.

Once upon a time, a very very long time ago, I had a coven. Now in this coven, we were all servants. We were born to serve under Cozen and we never had a say. The only way we were excused from our duties was as if he had taken a liking to you. When that happened you were his "toy". Cozen had a nasty habit of torturing his "toys" in some of the worst inhumane ways possible.

Now you might be thinking "that's not a coven tho...that's more of a cult" and you're right, it was both.

We had to attend to our duties as servants and then after that, we'd train. We never got very far in our training before we got called back to serve. I think he purposefully kept us weak so we couldn't overthrow him.

I honestly wouldn't have ever tried to fight him until he hurt my brother.

Mark just had to fall into the clutches of Cozen and be his next "toy". Around that same time is when I met Apate and Michelle. Michelle was a previous "toy" to Cozen but she didn't do him much good so he discarded her in the worst way possible, by stripping her powers. They helped me rescue Mark and they helped me make a plan for all of us to get out of that hell hole.

Once we left the place we moved as far away from them as possible and tried to live normal lives. Mark met a girl named Natalie and they eventually got married, Mark told her that I was his son.
Natalie had a brother that she was never close with, in fact, she hated him, and me.

Turns out not so long after we left Cozen got overthrown and stripped of his powers. He came searching for Michelle after that and he found her. That's when Mark took it into his own hands and attempted to murder Cozen, he was unsuccessful and died.

Natalie took the whole situation overboard and took it as a way to get rid of me. She called her brother Zuko and told him all about what happened and then some.

She sent me away to live with him and he couldn't stand looking at Apate, he tried to move us as far away as possible but Cozen kept following us which led to Apate and Michelle following us as well.

Cozen hates us all and he blames us for his downfall. He tries to keep us all together in hopes that he can siphon our powers but since we never really trained them in the first place, they aren't strong.

You'd think that if I stand up for Apate every time she's in the wrong that we'd be close.
It's the exact opposite. I can't stand her. She's a compulsive liar. I know for a fact that she hates me. She's told me to my face that she can't stand me. She tells me constantly that I get everything that she's ever wanted. I got the family, the friends, the boys, the girls, love.

She claims that my only goal in life is to screw her over. When in reality, I never asked for any of it. I'd much rather be left alone, I don't even like people,
I hate them all.

But of course, above all, there's one man I hate more than anyone, and that's my father.
I hardly even know the man that well but what I do know is that if I ever see him again I'm going to murder him. That's a promise. A pinky promise, from me to him.

*pain bot*

~ℬ𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝒪𝓊𝓉~

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