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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

"C-can I t-touch y-you?"
He asked taking deep breaths of air, I was shocked to hear him say something like that but I have to admit that I want him to.
I said looking away from him, I felt an immense amount of heat ride towards my face.
"L-look at m-me p-please"
He said putting his hands into my boxers. He took me in his hands and started stroking me, he started slowly and easy. He continued biting my neck as he was stroking me, I took my hands and pressed them firmly on his back.
"T-tell me w-what you w-want m-me to d-do"
He said stroking me.
"K-keep g-going p-please"
I said digging my nails into his back from all the pleasure he was bringing me. He started going a bit faster making me grunt.
"Ngh, nGh, NGH, Arc please"
I was thrusting myself into his hands. I shoved my head into the crook of his neck, I could barely keep myself stable.
"P-please w-what?"
He kept going faster and harder making me dig my nails deeper into his back, I was thrusting myself harder into him.
"A-are y-you c-close y-yet?"
He asked stroking me faster.
"Y-y-yes I'm a-almost t-there"
He started slowing down his strokes.
"You're gonna cum for me"
He said whispering in my ear making me thrust into his hands more, he tightened his grip making me moan out of pleasure.
I came into his hands and took a few more thrusts before stopping, he took his hands out of my boxers and lifted them to his mouth licking his fingers.
"Ngh, you taste good"
I was breathing into his neck, I wanted to touch him so fucking bad.
"P-please let me fuck you"
I said still in the crook of his neck, he started laughing and placing his hands on the back of my neck.
"No, the pleasure I want you can't simply give me with your hands"
I was shocked at what he just said. The nice innocent guy that asked me if he could touch me now said I couldn't pleasure him the way he wants.
"T-then let me suck you"
I said before even thinking that all the way through. Once again he started laughing.
"Not now, not here. I want to fuck you the proper way"
He said taking his thumb and dragging it down my back.
"Heh I guess we gave these fish a show"
He said. I stepped away from him struggling to find my balance, I don't think I'm going to be able to stand straight on the sand.
"I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did, I don't usually give shows away for free"
I replied laughing. I was trying to avoid eye contact with him. I don't know how to explain it but it was like he was two different people. One that's innocent and shy, that has anxiety, and is scared to do anything that might annoy you or hurt you. And then another one that couldn't care less what you thought or felt. One that's bold and outlandish, he just wants to see you cowering below him. Or at least that's what it felt like.

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

"W-we uhhh....we s-should go n-now"
I said walking away from him. I started scratching my neck thinking about what I'd just done to him. And then I remembered......WHY WOULD I SAY SOMETHING THAT STUPID? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHY I HAD THE AUDACITY TO TELL HIM, "the pleasure I want you can't give me with your hands" LIKE, WHAT?
My face started burning and I started walking faster to the sand. I grabbed my clothes and put them on as fast as I could, when I was done I saw him still in the water looking up at the moon. He turned to me and started walking towards me. He had an awkward smile as he got to the sand. He put his clothes on and walked towards me.

~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

"I-it's late...we should go now"
I said grabbing his hand and waking up the steep stairs to the street. We started walking back the way we came and we saw a guy in a mask running down the street. We heard glass shattering and people yelling, we decided to run to the noise just in case someone needed help. And we saw Mortala and a man talking to the same guy who we just saw running.

"Thanks for the help book boy but I got this"
Mortala said with a suddenly very different feel to her.
The guy with the mask said shooting Mortala, she immediately fell to the floor. Suddenly she had eight spidery-looking legs and some very big eyes forming on her head. I and the masked guy were the only ones that looked surprised.
"Ahh shit"
Arcane said looking at me.
"Listen, there are so many things that are going to happen that I can't explain right now but at the moment I need you to stand back and hide"
He looked back at the masked guy in front of us. Suddenly all of Arcanes hair started rising and he had a blue aura surrounding him, he looked over at the other guy that was in the coffee shop who also had an aura surrounding him, the only difference was he was red. Arcane started saying words that I couldn't understand, he started slightly hovering off the ground. His body looked lifeless.
Meanwhile, the other guy looked the exact opposite. He was planted firmly on the ground, he had a very angry expression and then suddenly his eyes went white.

~𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

Yea yea I know, I'm glowing now. I mean what the hell else am I supposed to do when someone gets hurt in front of me? Granted I'm not a superhero I'm more like a....super.....asshole. Honestly, it just depends on the situation and now...well, someone that isn't human just got shot and I have to protect them, or so I say.
I mean we supernatural beings have to look after each other or else we'd all die. Okay well maybe we wouldn't ALL die I mean, there's still strong guys out here like this red aura pinhead. I mean just look at him, he's still on the ground and he still looks ten times more powerful than me.
"Oi, you there boy"
The red aura guy said walking towards me.
"Get back on the ground and chill out, he's a human"
He slammed his hand down on my shoulder pushing me down.
I said looking at him. I was shocked that his eyes were still white and he had the strength to walk and talk.
"Oh? Except you DO know me, and you're not allowed to talk to ME like that. There isn't nearly enough time to explain how you know me but for now, you're gonna calm down and take care of this man while I grab the girl and put her in my vehicle"
The man said walking past the masked man. He got to the girl and looked at her before walking out of the shop.
"I guess I'm gonna take care of you now"
I said gritting my teeth.
"It would be great if you did little damage to the store please"
Said the red aura guy walking back into the shop with a suitcase.
"I mean after all the shop owners wouldn't want a messed up shop and a missing girl....although they won't be able to remember her anyway...."
He kneeled to the girl and opened the case taking out a needle and injected it into her arm, nothing happened at first.
"Oi don't worry about what I'm doing just take care of that man"
He said shooing me with his hands. I had completely forgotten about the masked man in front of me crying. I took a deep sigh and punched the man in the face and knocked him out completely.
"AHAHAHA BRAVO, that was brilliant! Utterly fantastic, here's my card contact me when you're ready to talk. For now, I'm leaving. I bid you and your boyfriend a good day"
He said carrying the girl out of the shop and then disappearing.
Ummm first of all, how do you know he's my boyfriend?
Ugh, if I'm being totally honest right now, I just want to sleep.

*I hate this rnnnnn but I'm also living for this rnnnnnnn*
*also let's not forget that this is the story of Apates downfall, this is the story that leads up to her death <3*
~ℬ𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝒪𝓊𝓉~

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