I'm here for you, always

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~𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

"Take the present to the training room and unchain it"

Father ordered

"Apate, you and I are going to have a little chat"

I nodded and took a glance at Vad, he was bawling his eyes out. For the first time in my miserable life, I think I felt....remorse?
I looked at the man crying in front of me, truly the first time I'd seen him with all of his defenses down. Although now, I hardly think you'd be able to classify him as a man. Right now he was resembling a newborn baby.

Anyone could take one glance at him and tell that he was in excruciating pain.
All I can think now is

Why did I put him through this? All I wanted was to be loved, why couldn't I just have done this the honest way?

Then I heard a voice in my head say

"Oh come on Apate, we've never done things the honest way. Don't fret darling, it'll at be okay soon"

My vision feels more clear now.

I see now just how happy Vad and Arc were, I was just so selfish to think that I'd be able to have all of that to myself.

"In a few minutes, take the boy in there with the present and watch every single thing he does. I'm going to have a nice chat with my darling daughter"

The more my father speaks, the more I hate his voice.

Acantho nodded and dragged Vad down the hallway, all you could hear once the door was closed was Vad yelling his broken heart out.
It hurt, but it seems like there's nothing I can do about it now.

"Now, it seems you haven't been the most honest girl here. Tell me, when you were with Aracne and you said he was luring people in and killing them, how exactly did that go?"

Great...he's gonna force me to talk about my own brother's faults.

"Well...We'd hide in a cave together and Arcane would sit outside of the cave so that when people would walk by, he'd be able to charm them. He'd bring them into the cave and talk them into having sex. Once he got them to let their guard down, he'd put a spell on them so they wouldn't die unless he said a certain word. He'd cut them up slowly, force-feed them worms and dirt until they were begging him to stop. After that he'd slit their throats and leave them there in pain for about an hour, then he'd finally say the word."

I really can't believe my brother was so ruthless. It's truly........admirable.

"Okay then, how did Cozen kill people?"

"Cozen would kill you based on what you did. Although, most of the time he didn't even kill anyone. He'd mostly just let his guards handle it."

Cozen was more of the long-term torture type, he didn't really like killing.

"....How did YOU kill people?"

What? I've never killed anyone in my life. I mean sure I've tortured people but....killing isn't even my style.

"Oh please father, I'm no murderer!"

He started laughing. Slowly his laughs became more disturbing.

"I want you to take your time with me and tell me, have you ever killed someone?"

He looked me deep in my eyes, it made me sick.

"Don't be absurd! As I said, I am no murderer."

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