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~𝚅𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅~

      Tch I can't believe she thought I was no fun, I'm tons of fun. I slammed my door to my room and laid down on my bed. I heard I knock at my door and then the creaking of it opening, it was my older sister Ananke. I swear whoever named us was on crack.

Ananke: Primordial goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitably. Weird right? Yea, me and Ananke were adopted but not long after that our adopted parents died, lucky for us Ananke turned 18 soon so there wasn't much trouble for us to stay together.

Our house was gifted to us in our parent's will, I wasn't old enough to remember our actual parents but Ananke remembers them. She doesn't talk about them though. She says something about them being abusers or whatever, we couldn't care less, we're happy now without them.

"Hey Vad, have you seen the dog today?"

She asked walking into my room and grabbing my oversized hoodie out of my closet.

"Yea he was in the bathroom last time I checked"

I said getting up and grabbing some clothes.

"Okay well I ordered pizza from that weird place you like, oh and Zuko said he was gonna come by later to say happy birthday, I think he's bringing a guest so take a shower"

she said walking out of my room.
Yea yea I know what your thinking


yes, I have a dog, it's a husky for that matter. His name is Atka, Atka means king because he's my little king. Oh and you also might be wondering

"who's birthday is it"

it's mine,'s my birthday. In our family for as long as I can remember we celebrate our birthdays in the hour we're born.

Oh and your last question might be

"who's Zuko?"

He's my sister's boyfriend, he's also my best friend. Zuko is 20 and his name means rage, Zuko's like an older brother to me, I've known him since I was a child. He's kinda like the brother I never had, we all grew up in the foster home together so when Ananke was doing her girly things I and Zuko were off digging in the dirt and stuff that us boys do. 

Zuko was the first to get adopted but he came by to see us often, I guess that's when he and Ananke started going steady or whatever.

They can't wait for me to get a girlfriend so they can rub it in my face how awkward I am, truth is I'm not even sure if I like girls or not. I've never actually had a girlfriend and I don't think I've ever been 'aroused' by a girl, I'm not sure if I like guys either, I guess I'll just have to find out.

I heard honking and then the front door slammed closed, I looked out of the window and saw Zuko walking with a guy behind him. The kid looked around my age.

Ananke ran into Zuko's arms and they kissed, barf. I started walking downstairs into the kitchen and I grabbed a glass of water, I heard the door open and Zuko yelled loudly


it startled me a little bit.

"Thanks, man"

I replied as I drank the water.

"So I brought someone for you to meet, he's my little cousin and I'm gonna be honest with you he has anxiety"

he said that last part quietly so no one else would hear it except me.

"Oh that's cool"
I said as I was walking back upstairs.

"Before you go, take him with you"

Zuko said grabbing my shoulder

"Be nice to him and I'll give you some cash and your birthday present"

I turned around and scanned the room to figure out where the kid was hiding. I saw him and started walking toward him to talk,

"Hey, I'm Vad what's your name?"

I said in a friendly voice although it looked like I kinda scared him off a little bit.

"M- my name is Arcane"

he said quietly while avoiding eye contact.

"Oh that's a nice name, do you know what it means?"

I asked him, he looked up at me and shook his head

"Not really, something about mystery I think"

he said in a shaky voice. I laughed

"yea it means secret and mystery"

I said while shaking my head and looking at the stairs, "Hey do you uh, wanna come upstairs with me" he looked a little concerned when I said that, I think he may have thought I meant something other than I did.

He hesitantly said yes and followed me to my room. Turns out he's pretty chill once you get him alone, it was about midnight when we passed out but I had to go to school the next day so I wasn't looking forward to an all-nighter. All I could tell was that I and Arcane were gonna be spending a lot more time together from now on.

-I apologize for my short chapters-
~𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝙾𝚞𝚝~

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