-Chapter 2-

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"HERE ARE EVERYONES KEYS" Hotch announced handing everyone key cards

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"HERE ARE EVERYONES KEYS" Hotch announced handing everyone key cards. His hand brushed against yours as you grabbed onto to yours.

It was a small gesture not t get worked up about but you still felt the need to scrub his touch off your skin. Still, you couldn't figure out why you hated him so much because you always used a bullshit excuse for years.

'He came close to figuring me out'

Maybe you thought if Hotch was pushed away it would help your case. Now that action makes your life way harder. Allowing him to give a reason to yell at you for anything that was or wasn't your fault.

"Why am I on the sixth floor?" you asked watching everyone else's cards have the third floor on them.

"Because rooms filled up, sorry" he shrugged unbothered.

Your fists clenched at your side and your cheeks flared up with anger before you reminded yourself this is the reaction he wanted. A team leader would've taken the room but instead he wanted to watch you complain.

"That's fine actually I like being alone anyways" you replied in the same tone.

With a smile you grabbed your things and walked away from the team. Emily's footsteps trailed behind you in a hurry. Your breathing was rapid with the cold hotel air.

"Are you okay?" she question when she can finally catch up to you.

You turned around and looked her in the eye was a smile, "yes, of course." you lied.

It was easy to lie to them now, usually.

"It's just I know how Hotch is treating you and listen-" she placed her hand on your shoulder turning you completely towards her, "-it was the same with me, he comes around."

"How did you do this Emily? How did you become one of them?" you said sadly. Even if you weren't sad, part of you still wanted to feel something with this group of people you call the team and it felt as if that task was impossible.

Her mouth dropped open trying to find the words, "H-He well w-we had a talk and t-that's how" you could tell she was lying but didn't press on.

Honestly, whatever did happen between didn't bother you all that much. You expected nothing less of Aaron to cheat on his wife. A cocktail of feelings continued to rush through you as you waiting in the elevator alone after Emily got off. Sweat graced the palms that were still stained and your white pantsuit was itching against your body.

Something about that mission just didn't feel right. The department wouldn't care about how you felt if you brought your feelings up to them. Most days you wished to just talk to someone.

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