-Chapter 23-

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TODAY IS DAY THREE. You were looking in the foggy mirror that was coated during your hot shower. Aaron was at work and you couldn't wrap your head around anything. Jade hadn't said anything still and you were going off the walls.

You decided to stay away from the BAU for now, at least until Brown is dead. There was no context on how 'They're all going down'. Jade said something along those lines so you tried to run through every possibility.

Part of you was urging to text her, yet you also wanted her to do her thing. Working alone was more her thing. She really only worked with someone if it benefits her.

Trust was all you had in her.

A sharp ringtone rang through the air causing you to jump up. Walking over to the bedside table, it showed Aarons contact in your phone.

"Hey" you greeted with a smile though he couldn't see you.

"Hey, how is everything over there?" his voice was low and grumbled like always.

You laughed and plopped down onto the bed, "You left like two hours ago. Are you that worried?"

"I just don't like you being alone that's all" he says softly. Your stomach erupted into butterflies and the smile began to hurt your cheeks horribly.

"If someone came in I'm sure I could defend myself. Plus this place is pretty secure, stop worrying all the time, you're stressing yourself out."

He groaned on the other end of the line, a small squeak coming from the chair as he leaned back. "I wish I could come back, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry I'm busying myself" you laughed dryly, knowing the real meanings make your blood run cold. "Get back to work, I love you."

"I love you too."

When the conversation ended, you wrapped the robe tighter around your waist and felt tears prick your eyes. Lying to the person you love hurt so bad it felt as though your heart was contracting.

This was for the best, you keep telling yourself.

He'll understand, you keep telling yourself.

Actions can be justified, you keep telling yourself.

He'll love me forever, you keep telling yourself.

I'm human, you keep telling yourself.

A single tear fell down your cheek and you angrily wiped it away with a huff, all you could do was wait all day for something to happen.


"How was it today?" you say, popping up from the bed. Aaron just came back to the room, briefcase in hand and a blank expression on his face.

"Paperwork mostly," he explained. "Nothing interesting that you'd like to hear about."

Without thinking, you blurted out, "I need a distraction desperately. My mind is going crazy right now..."

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