-Chapter 18-

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HIS ARMS WRAPPED around your body, your eyes burned with exhaustion from the sleepless night

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HIS ARMS WRAPPED around your body, your eyes burned with exhaustion from the sleepless night. You enjoyed the safety net his body created for you, even if it was just from sleeping the the same bed as you. Your eyes darted around the room until you found the clock that read, 7:37 AM. 

Sighing you stayed still in his arms and listened to the birds singing a harmony outside. Every time you tried to move, his arms would tighten around you afraid you would leave. If anything you wanted to stay like this forever. 

Your body felt like a statue the whole night.

"Go to bed, darling" he mumbled into your neck. Your body tensed immediately with the sound of his raspy voice. "I did sleep, I woke up earlier" you lie.

"No you didn't, you would have moved on top of me in the middle of the night had you slept" he slurred, clearly on the verge of a dreamless sleep one again. Your bottom lip trembled against your best efforts.

You didn't want to lie anymore so you whispered, "I'm scared".

You weren't sure what you were going to say to him if he asked why, but getting out the two words you never admit felt like weight lifted off your shoulders.

"Why?" Aaron questioned. "I dunno, about finding a job and my apartment, my brother too." you lie.

Technically it wasn't a full lie, just a twisted truth. You had yet to tell him about why you got your scar and wanted to keep it a secret a little while longer. The nightmares were worse lately and waking up screaming wasn't the most delightful sight.

"Do you think I'll ever find him?" you whispered under your breath. His hand moved up into your hair, running through it softly. His head snuggled closer to your neck.

"I think maybe that we will, in time." it was a good answer, however you knew what it really means: he is either dead or off the grid.

Had he been out there all this time wouldn't it be easier to find him? Perhaps but that's a stretch. After he left your life, he stayed gone and it was painful to grow up alone with no one to tell you everything will be okay.

"You don't have to help me"

"I want to, as an apology. I didn't know what you had been through but I know you wouldn't choose that job willingly."

So the plan for Brown wasn't the greatest. It could be done while Aaron was occupied doing other things. Scratch kidnapping him, you wanted Brown dead, a permanent solution. After all, you had been trained to do it for the last four- almost five years. Karma was coming at him and now that your kind was set, there was no convincing yourself otherwise.

"This stuff it's not-" you sighed, "-It's not what you think it is. Things get messy and it sounded like a good idea last night but I don't know anymore."

"Why not?"

"You have a reputation, a kid, a team to think about. I can do this on my own, I already have suspicions of who he is" you explain.

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