-Chapter 22-

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(The events in this chapter are not promoted, they can lead to infection so please be safe

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(The events in this chapter are not promoted, they can lead to infection so please be safe. Swim by Chase Atlantic is a perfect song for this chapter if you want music.)

THE CAR WAS SILENT for a while, Aaron focused on the road and once you got to the hotel, you got changed quickly and was on the road again out to wherever. It was night at this time so the streets were empty and the lights were casting a soft glow on the street. Threes rustled with the wind.

"Why am I in a bikini, it's like twenty degrees outside?" you laughed.

"Trust me, Y/n." Aaron grumbled. Soon he grew annoyed with all of your questions and didn't speak unless spoken to.

You didn't take it to heart though, you were extremely curious as to where this was going and if someone tried to ruin the surprise, you would become heated.

"I'm sorry for asking so many questions," you say.

Aaron looked over at you for the first time during the drive, "No- it's okay."

You smiled and placed your head against the rest on your chair and took a deep breath. His free hand was on your inner thigh, squeezing gently to ease you.

Twenty minutes later, you pulled in front of a forest, dark and quiet. Some snow was melting away on the ground but you paid no mind. Leaves rustled in the cold wind and just for a second, you didn't want to leave the heat of the car.

"Come on, you can't sit here forever," Aaron laughed.

"But it's going to be so cold- and I'm so warm" you protested.

"Don't make me carry you"

You crossed your arms over your chest with a smirk and relaxed further into the chair that was providing you with warmth. Aaron got out of the car, slamming the door to walk around the hood.

Taking the opportunity, you click the lock button on the car. He tried to open the door but was met with you becoming hysterical on the other side of the window.

"Goin' have you try harder than that!" you yelled, locking and unlocking the car.

"Y/n I'm serious, let's go. Now." he muttered. "It will be fun!"

Around five minutes of the same thing passed. You wanted to know what it was now, but messing with him gave you overwhelming satisfaction. There was a small slip up and he finally got the door open, you gasped as he ducked into the car, flinging your body over his shoulder.

"Let me down!" you laughed, punching his back repeatedly. You placed a smack of his butt causing him to place one on yours but much harder.

You winced in pain, pushing your arms to his back to lift yourself up. Trees surrounded you, more like suffocated with their dead leaves and dark lumber. It clicked in your brain that you recognized this place vividly. When you first moved to this area you would always come in the winter because it had a lake that was always the same temperature year around.

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