-Chapter 8-

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"KILLINGS-" your supervisor pointed to the large powerpoint casted on the screen, "-something you're phenomenal at Y/n

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"KILLINGS-" your supervisor pointed to the large powerpoint casted on the screen, "-something you're phenomenal at Y/n." Browns' voice was laced with sarcasm and disgust while more pictures of the most recent kill you completed popped up.

You stiffened in your chair, looking at the bloody scene in front of you. Nothing wasn't different, in fact, this was the cleanest kill you had ever done, yet you're being grilled for it. It was no surprise that Brown always had a dilemma against you and your parents. Even when you did the best work, he hated to have to praise you because of the board.

Despite that fact you didn't see the contract that your parents created with him, an educated guess that they didn't really like each other always lingered in your mind. Sometimes you become so heated about being in the dark, that you nearly sneak into his office and try to find it.

"Sorry sir but I'm not sure what the problem is" you gritted out.

"The problem is the fact that this was much, much, cleaner than your other assassinations. What changed?"

"Am I getting yelled at for doing my job?" you grumbled.

"Yes, well no." the same witty sarcastic voice was still on display. You cocked your head to the side and shrugged your shoulders in confusion.

Brown huffed a breath and slid a file over to you, "I know you're only twenty-two but the board requested you be promoted."

Picking up the file, it was full of new recruits and records of signed contracts along with it. A knot formed in your stomach with the single thought that maybe what happened to you would happen to these kids. Being only eighteen and working for the government was hard, and frankly it never got easier.

You longed for it to stop happening to teens, sadly that was out of your hands until now. There were at least twenty people inside, all with photos and background histories with their parents. The pain would always follow you around regardless of therapy or late night sobs.

"Promoted to what exactly?" you asked.

"Chief Executive in Charge" he walked around and grabbed the remote, turning off the screen, "That means you will no longer need to work for the BAU. You can also always turn down this position."

Turning down the promotion? It would be a stupid idea to do so, and the BAU isn't all that special to you hence the team not being active in your life other than Hotch. Still, you didn't want to leave. Regardless of the team, working on cases was fun for you and got your mind off things. But, leaving would give you time to finally get a degree.

"Im- wow- can I think about it?" you stuttered out. You didn't know what to feel at the moment and with this dinner you agreed to, there were already things you had to worry about.

"Of course, thank you Y/n" Brown smiled falsely and motioned you to the door. You nodded and walked out without another word.


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