-Chapter 20-

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THE CASE WAS just like your times before

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THE CASE WAS just like your times before. Aaron splits you up into pairs and you scatter around to find the unsub. It just so happened to be the same place that you and Hotch first kissed in the people. Not extremely romantic considering how guilty you both felt afterwards, but it still had a small place in your heart.

You were sitting around with Derek and Spencer, working on a geographical profile, when your phone dings in your pocket.


I have everything covered. The whole place is going down. You will get a security alert in three days. Ignore it.

Your heart started beating quickly with excitement. You didn't know what she meant by, "the whole place is going down" but you ignored your curiosity and put your phone away as Derek asked you a question.

"Pretty girl, what made you come back here?"

"Oh- um well" you stumbled over the right words. Saying you were fired isn't great and admitting to sleeping with Aaron isn't great.

"Hotch said you needed help for cases with Strauss so here I am" you shrugged.

Derek smiled, "I know it doesn't seem like it, but we all missed you here".

Your cheeks turned red with the statement causing you to look away and bite back a smile. Maybe being here wouldn't be all that bad.

"I didn't think you guys would," you teased jokingly. Spencer frowned but continued on with his work.

"Babygirl said she missed you too. We never got to know you" he explains. You nod in agreement.

"I know- just there isn't much to tell" you say simply.

Truthfully, you had snippets of your childhood but nothing major after your brother left, well was sent away. To this day you wonder why he was sent away and you need to find out. You have answers for your parents, this is the last thing you need.

You don't plan on contacting your parents either, even after being discharged. You couldn't face them after what they did to you, sending you into a never ending whirlwind of self desperation that has yet to go away. Of course Aaron had helped a little but you still needed time to work on yourself for a little while longer. Without a stable mind, everything else crumbles.

"We should go out for dinner tonight" Derek suggests. "To celebrate Fallon being back".

Your body tensed despite your best efforts. Each time you heard the name it was just another stab in the gut. Instead of showing your uneasiness that lingered in your eyes you smiled.

"That would be great. I've never gone out with y'all" the answer fulfilled Derek's expectations. "Did you have somewhere in mind?"

"There is a Chinese place by the hotel that Emily likes," Spencer announced, not turning from the board.

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