-Chapter 25-

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Trigger Warning: Suicide 

National Hotline: 800-273-8255

TEN MINUTES had passed since your conversation with Aaron

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TEN MINUTES had passed since your conversation with Aaron. You could already imagine yourself building a snowman under the pale sun, laughing with Jack. You could imagine the adoration in Aarons eyes when he saw you with his child.

You never have a thought to have children, but you'd love to have some one day, preferably with him. Sometimes you write down names when you come up with them so you can name your daughter or son after them. Your thoughts were clouded as you watched law enforcement finish suiting up so you could go in.

To pass time, you picked the skin around your nails and took slow breathes. Sitting here just waiting was worse than going in. The captain eyed you down a few times but ended up shaking his head and continuing his activity.

Whenever Aaron would pass you, he would brush his hand on your waist as reassurance. With one last breath, you walked over to the group with your chin high and shoulder back, gun in hand.

"Are we ready?" you asked.

The captain nodded and threw on a helmet, "Yes Agent. Take the coded entrance, we'll take the others. I assume Agent Hotchner told you where to meet afterwards?"

"He did." you said matter-of-factly. You shifted on your feet, "When you get in u-uh the signs aren't accurate. The departments are swapped places for security reasons."

He absentmindedly nodded and turned away from you with a huff like it was taking everything out of him to take orders from you. Though you weren't ordering him around all that much, obviously he didn't like not being on top. Clearly he had a god complex. You shivered from the cold gust of wind but quickly recovered and loaded the Mp5 with you.

Looking over, your eyes caught JJ's. You stared at her for a minute seeing the sneer on her face. Aaron was in the front with SWAT, while the rest were behind. "Let's go," you announce.

Murders were passed around before you set towards the building. "Up there" you pointed the gun to the stairs, "I'll be down here, remember don't follow the signs. Take navigation from the leaders."

The SWAT team agreed and left you alone. As Aaron passed he smiled quickly and then he was inside of the building. Knowing this place could blow up at any second made your heart sink. Would Jack become like that little girl?


"Okay I got this" you whispered to yourself, pinning in your assassins code allowing access to the underground part of the building.

Inside was dark and humid. Water dripped down onto the floor for a leak in the pipes and your heels hit against the floor. There was no doubt Jade would be guns blazing when she heard someone coming so you need to not scare her.

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