-Chapter 7-

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SMOOTHING DOWN THE SILK red top on your skin, you took a deep breath

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SMOOTHING DOWN THE SILK red top on your skin, you took a deep breath. Your heart raced so fast in your chest it was scary and your hands grew clammy. The clock was nearly at twelve and the monument was closer then you thought originally.

It was weird going out so late for a such a reason, but it brought a small thrill to your life that Jade says you need. No missions had came in sadly so your mind was only occupied with Hotch.

You grabbed your things and headed out the door, purse in hand, down the clear streets. Lights lined the sidewalk creating a small cast of yellow. Stars danced in the sky and crickets sing. You tried to analyze your surroundings to get your mind off of where you were going and for a while it worked. Soon enough though, you made it to the river with no bench in sight.

Moving your head around left and right you ultimately chose to go left because he said once that you should always pick left. Butterflies irrupted in your stomach once you saw him leaned back on the old wooden bench. Your brain racked of ways to make your presence know yet you couldn't decide on a single one, thinking they were all too cringe.

You opted to slowly take a seat next to him with your lips pressing into a fine line. The clumsiness of your hands didn't go away so the slipped over the edge of the bench.

"I'm glad you decided to show" Hotch boomed. Your body shivered at his voice like always.

"Why wouldn't I?" you sneered, teeth gritting against each other and your grip slowly tightening on the wood.

Water splashed against its own creating the only calming effect from being with him.

"I know you Fallon" he says.

"Do you really?" you challenged. You weren't sure were this conversation was going or even what his intention was, but you knew that steering this conversation off path would block whatever he really had to say so you engaged.

Aaron pondered the question for a moment obviously in over his head. He could think of a single thing he knew about you, yet he tried to seem confident enough to sway information about yourself.

"I like to believe so-" he scooted slightly closer to you, your thighs pressed against each other. "Not a single person on this team can recall any information about you".

Your stomach twisted into a knot at his words. You knew he tried to look into you but you never would assume that he would flat out say something about it. This is what you were really trained for. Lying was one thing but proving your innocence was another and frankly, the idea of continuing the act slowly drifted away with the small wind gust.

"I'm just a private person and no one as asked, they don't care to" you say with a sigh.

"Why do you say that?"

"I've been on the team for four years yet they haven't tried to be my friend or have a normal conversation with me. On the jet they invite me places but I know they only do it so I don't feel left out.I don't want the teams pity though. I'm very content on being alone."

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