-Chapter 15-

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IS IT OVER? You and Jade left immediately

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IS IT OVER? You and Jade left immediately. It was surreal that you didn't get caught.

She took her file and left quickly. You couldn't blame her, it was risky and she had been waiting for years to get her on the file. As you looked down on yours, it felt as though it was burning your hand, fingertips, and palm, begging to be opened.

Slowly, you opened the folder, eyes screwed shut. Averys was next to you but you didn't want to open it yet. Once it was fully opened, you released a breath and peeled open your eyes, one by one.

Was it worth the extra questions? It was a rhetorical question in your head because no matter what, you were reading through everything. Aaron hadn't called, thankfully.

The first document was simply a picture of you around age four. Your hands trembled as you looked at it, sobs broke in the back of your throat. "What the fuck!?" you yelled.

You were angry. You looked so happy in the photo, holding up a cluster of wildflowers you had picked in the backyard, still you don't remember that day. A yellow sundress clung to your body as well as a huge grin. Before you were trees and green grass that went on for miles, your brother was sitting in the grass picking at it.

Tears streamed down your face. Taking a deep breath, you moved on. Next was just your medical records, nothing really important. You only really cared about the contract. It's crazy how a single piece of paper can have all the answers you longed to know.

Just as you picked up the classified stamp paper, your phone rang. It was Aaron.

"Hello?" you answered sweetly.

"Fallon, where did you go? I looked all around the house" he says. Your heart dropped thinking of everything he could've found.

"I went to grab milkshakes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I ran into Jade that's why it's taking me a while, I'll be home soon" you say, biting down on your knuckles while he responded, to silence your cries.

"Okay. Since it's already late, why don't we order Chinese?"

"Yeah that sounds great I will see you soon"

"Okay, love you" he said before hanging up.

Your body froze completely like you forgot how to move. Did he just say- HOLY SHIT. No, this isn't happening. Aaron Hotchner doesn't love you, it was simply a slip up. Wait, do you love him?

This was horrible timing. All you wanted to do was scream so loud that someone had to call the police. Now your thoughts feel fuzzy and chaotic. The world was spinning at an ungodly pace that you couldn't keep up with. Your hands gripped the steering wheel for leverage.

"Get it together Y/n" you sigh.

Shaking your head, you grabbed the contract once again. If you weren't sobbing before, you were now. You slid your finger under the thick seal that felt like it was bound by superglue. Once again, you closed your eyes, scared to face your reality.

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