-Chapter 21-

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FROM THE MOMENT you woke up, to what you wore, Aaron had everything planned

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FROM THE MOMENT you woke up, to what you wore, Aaron had everything planned. On the jet you laid with him and listened to his heart. You still had a nausea feeling in your stomach from all the nerves. You were going to take medicine but opted against it considering you hated the taste of Pepto-Bismol and would probably make yourself throw up.

Jade still hadn't updated you on what was happening, so for now you weren't able to find your brother. There was one other person who could help, but it entailed sneaking into an office.

Penelope Garcia.

She is a sweetheart and you would feel terrible for doing it but you couldn't outright ask her to help, she believes you're an old child, plus she can't keep a secret. You just wanted things to pass, and Aaron fighting with Haley wasn't helping all that much either.

At first she wanted custody of Jack however, she quickly repulsed that idea. Aaron didn't say anything about it, you could just tell by the way he was speaking to Jack more. He just turned three last month so he was learning to communicate better.

You pulled out your phone and scrolled through your contacts until Jades popped up. Your finger hovered over the call button while you bit your lip. Aaron had a strong hold over your body, not letting you slip away for anything.

Perhaps Penelope would help you. After all Aaron knew about what you were doing to find your brother so had she blab to him, that wouldn't matter. It would be a shock to find out you're not an only child. The team didn't know you that well before but that was something you broadcasted.


Any update? I'm getting antsy.

Jade immediately texted you back. You let out a sigh of relief that she wouldn't keep you in the dark anymore.


Chill, everything is in place. Brown will have a quick death. So will they all.

Your breath hitched reading the second part of the text. Did she plan on going after the recruits? You convinced yourself otherwise and she was probably just bringing down the commodities.


Will you have enough time before someone notices?


Of course.

"What are you doing?" Aaron rasped from underneath you.

You quickly closed out of the text messages and turned around to face him with a smile. You were laying stomach to stomach on top of him.

"Texting some high school friend, she wanted to meet up but I declined" you lied. It seems you lied a lot these days.

"Why?" he furrowed his brows.

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